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With a great soundtrack and action that won't let your attention leave it, REVO is a fresh twin-stick bullet-hell that will make you sweat and it's great.
A little bullet hell / shoot 'em up for your Monday morning wake up call? Taisei, a free and open source fan game based on the Touhou Project has a fresh release.
Released out of Early Access as a full game on February 4, Rogue Star Rescue blends together a furiously good mix of twin-stick bullet-hell action with tower defence.
Need something to truly get your bloody pumping? HyperCore mixes together a bullet-hell with a musical rhythm game in the style of a retro space shooter.
Not a selection of genres I would have expected to be put together but it's happened. Hyperspace Harvest is the second game from Sleeper Games and it's confirmed for Linux.
Hell Can Wait will be fusing together a bullet hell with a deck-builder, in development by Triplevision Games Limited and planned to release next year.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo is a long name and this is supposed to be the expanded edition of the 2019 release, giving additional arcade-style shoot 'em up action.
Think you're made of tougher stuff? Killer Chambers will probably test you, given how you need some seriously slick reaction times and a good memory to survive it.
The bullet hell dungeon crawler Enter the Gungeon just recently had a huge update, the last major update it will be getting as developer Dodge Roll moves onto other games.
For those in the mood for twin-stick madness but your wallet is empty, you might want to check out Clawface which is completely free and has Linux support.