Support GamingOnLinux!

There are a few ways you can support GamingOnLinux! Firstly, if you wish to get specific reward tiers (like removing adverts and sponsors) and access to special things you can do so on Patreon. For Patreon, a suggestion is to pledge at the start of a month, as it charges at the beginning of every month.

All other donations, without any special rewards can be done by:

You can also buy games using the affiliate/partner links:

If you can't help financially you can help in other ways:

  • You can suggest games (or just email a tip - same link) which you would like GamingOnLinux to cover and optionally gift a copy to one of our editors.
  • Share links to articles across social media. We have easy share buttons at the bottom of each article.

There's even a Merch Store (currently not available for AU/USA/CA), go buy yourself something nice.

A big thank you to all those listed below, whatever level of support you give us—thank you! You're all important to us!
Mega Supporters (7)
A list of supporters on Patreon subbing the special limited Mega level
Supporters+ (99)
A list of supporters subbing at least $7/£5.50 a month to support GamingOnLinux
Supporters (149)
A list of supporters subbing at least $4/£3 a month to support GamingOnLinux