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Atmospheric fantasy turn-based RPG Colmen's Quest is out now

By Liam Dawe,
Not long after we only just discovered it, the fantasy turn-based RPG Colmen's Quest is now considered finished and released and it also has an updated demo.

Mindustry, one of the best open source games around has a huge upgrade in testing

By Liam Dawe,
Mindustry, a game that mixes in Factorio with Tower Defence and then goes wild from there is a fantastic example of how good a free and open source game can be.

Dicey Dungeons, the innovative and great fun deck-builder has a huge update out

By Liam Dawe,
Mixing together card-based abilities, deck-building and dice - Dicey Dungeons is a fantastic roguelike worth your time and a big update just went out.

A cancelled old RTS named 'Hard Vacuum' gets revived with OpenRA

By Liam Dawe,
OpenRA, the highly versatile open source game engine you can use to play Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Dune 2000 and more is bringing a game back from the dead with Hard Vacuum.

Try the demo for Scrabdackle, a 2D action adventure starring a novice wizard

By Liam Dawe,
You're a wizard, a novice wizard and you appear to have fallen out of a window right into the muck. Time to find your wand and do a little exploration.

Kind Words, the game about writing nice anonymous letters gets a little sweeter

By Liam Dawe,
2019's Kind Words from Popcannibal is probably one of the sweetest ideas for a game ever made, and with it being a year old the developer went back to give it a bit of an upgrade.

APICO is an adorable upcoming casual sim about breeding and collecting Bees

By Liam Dawe,
Beeautiful. That's what APICO is. A recent discovery and I have a feeling it's going to bee something quite big.

Colmen's Quest is a very promising Early Access fantasy turn-based RPG

By Liam Dawe,
In the mood for a new adventure? Colmen's Quest looks very promising. A fantasy pixel-art turn-based RPG that's refreshingly not a roguelike.

Need a new visual novel? Vengeful Heart is out now

By Liam Dawe,
Set in a future where we've thoroughly ruined the planet, Vengeful Heart is a new Visual Novel where water has become like liquid gold.

Try out the demo for 'Slide' an upcoming colourful arcade racer

By Liam Dawe,
Reminding me of some classic arcade racers including Mario Kart, SuperTuxKart and others, Slide is along a similar theme with it being easy to jump right in.

Come win a key for the upcoming fantasy city-builder Songs of Syx

By Liam Dawe,
We've teamed up with Gamatron to offer you a chance to win a key for their upcoming grand-strategy city-builder Songs of Syx which enters Early Access soon.

Singled Out is an amusing little game about picking a target from a small crowd

By Liam Dawe,
Singled Out looks like an amusing time-waster, giving you a short description of a target and you need to quickly pick them out from a small crowd.

Retro tactical RPG where time moves when you do 'Fates of Ort' has a big Hero Mode update

By Liam Dawe,
Time only moves when you move, an idea that has been done before but with Fates of Ort being an RPG, it's a little bit different and really fun.

After a rough launch, Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story gets some major upgrades

By Liam Dawe,
Developer Suzaku and Top Hat Studios recently released Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story, and it unfortunately looked like a truly messy launch.

The app can now use a system installed Wine on Linux for Windows-only games

By Liam Dawe,
Without any announcement, the open source application for the indie store added support for Wine in their Linux builds so you get more choice.

Glitchy kingdom action-adventure RPG Lenna's Inception has a big post-release update

By Liam Dawe,
Lenna's Inception, the wonderful top-down Zelda-like action-adventure that takes place in a world that's glitching away has a big first post-release upgrade.

Free local multiplayer battler 'Hammer Dongers' gets more frantic in the latest update

By Liam Dawe,
Stop. It's hammer time. Hammer Dongers time to be exact, as the currently free local multiplayer arena battler has a new update out and it's as frantic as ever.

BOY BEATS WORLD is an upcoming rhythm action-adventure for Linux PC

By Liam Dawe,
Love your musical rhythm adventures? Duckbridge, developer of hiphop western game Luckslinger is coming back with BOY BEATS WORLD.

Spiritfarer for Linux is now live on, dev apologises for ableist writing

By Liam Dawe,
Thunder Lotus have been doing well with Spiritfarer, with it going on to receiving very warm reviews and it's now available on even more stores for additional choice but it's not without issues.

Frick, Inc. is an upcoming game about driving tiny trucks with on-screen controls

By Liam Dawe,
Currently in development by Kenney, Frick, Inc. looks pretty hilarious making you drive little trucks across various courses but this comes with a big twist on the controls.
Showing 320 to 340 of 1049 entries found.