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Here's one for you if you're short on time, and want to experience something a bit unique. Miniatures released recently from developer Other Tales Interactive.
Spilled! from developer Lente is a sweet casual game about driving your little boat around to clean up the ocean. It has a new demo available with a big graphics upgrade.
Wrought Flesh is a game where you not only eat your enemies corpses to regain health, you also harvest their organs to place inside yourself to gain improved character stats. Totally grotesque and awesome.
What do you get when you put together a sewer and a bunch of rats? Obviously a rave, plus a little fighting and lots of really weird stuff happening around you. Sewer Rave is out now.
A classic from Blendo Games, a short video-game story Thirty Flights of Loving received a 9 year anniversary upgrade and it came along with a fresh Linux port from Ethan Lee.
Short on time and want to play a game? Swallow the Sea is a good choice and it's free so you've got nothing to lose for trying to except perhaps a little of your sanity.
Love your short action-adventure games that have the feel of classic Zelda? Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion hits the spot and as a bonus it's completely hilarious.
In the game qomp you are the ball, the ball that has been thrown around games like Pong for a very long time and you've had enough - it's time to escape.
Intergalactic Wizard Force, developed for the AdventureX Game Jam is well worth a look as it's absolutely hilarious and won't take you long to complete.
After a short Beta testing period, it seems Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure is now out properly for Linux from developer Ron Gilbert and Terrible Toybox.
Originally made for the Ludum Dare 46 Game Jam, Cubic Currency has been expanded and overhauled for a full release to have you deal a crazy new currency: dice.
I don't quite know what to make of this. My Exercise is completely bizarre and yet ridiculously charming at the same time, all about some chubby kid doing sit-ups with their dog.