Category: Vulkan

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D9VK, the Direct3D9 to Vulkan layer has a huge new 0.40 'Croakacola' release out

By Liam Dawe,
For use with Wine and Steam Play Proton, D9VK is the awesome project based on DXVK which translates Direct3D9 to Vulkan for better performance. A big new release just went out.

Dreamcast emulator Flycast adds a Vulkan renderer

By Liam Dawe,
There seems to be quite a lot of interest in Vulkan lately, as more projects begin using it. Now we have the Dreamcast emulator Flycast adding Vulkan support.

NVIDIA have two new Linux drivers available, one stable and one Vulkan Beta

By Liam Dawe,
NVIDIA continue pushing their drivers forwards with two new Linux driver updates available. Let's take a quick look.

The open source Nintendo Switch Emulator 'yuzu' now has a Vulkan renderer

By Liam Dawe,
The emulation scene never ceases to amaze me. The Nintendo Switch Emulator, yuzu, now had a Vulkan renderer to hopefully boost performance.

D3D10/11 to Vulkan translation layer DXVK 1.4.6 released

By Liam Dawe,
Another cleanup point-release is out for the Direct3D 10/11 to Vulkan translation layer DXVK, with 1.4.6 bringing in some bug fixes.

vkBasalt, the Vulkan post-processing layer has another new release with new effects

By Liam Dawe,
Adding a little extra visual enhancement to games on Linux is getting more interesting, with the help of the Vulkan post-processing layer vkBasalt which has a new build up.

Vulkan post-processing layer vkBasalt has a new release up with SMAA support

By Liam Dawe,
Continuing to boost the feature set of the post-processing layer for vkBasalt, a new release is up and it appears we missed a few smaller in-between releases too.

DXVK 1.4.5 released bringing further performance improvements for D3D11 and D3D10 to Vulkan

By Liam Dawe,
DXVK continues maturing with another exciting sounding release now available with DXVK 1.4.5, bringing in some performance improvements and plenty of bug fixes.

Path of Exile continues down the Vulkan path, with a possible port to Linux mentioned

By Liam Dawe,
We've known for a while that the massive and popular RPG Path of Exile was going to get a Vulkan API implementation and they would have liked to do Linux support, seems like they're continuing that line of thinking.

Game dev: Flax Engine is adding Linux support in an upcoming update

By Liam Dawe,
Flax Engine, another game engine that supports Vulkan is going cross-platform with an upcoming release adding in Linux support.

NVIDIA have released another Vulkan Beta Driver 435.27.07, just for Linux this time

By Liam Dawe,
NVIDIA have pushed out the second Vulkan Beta Driver in the space of a week, with 435.27.07 now available for Linux.

D9VK developer is working on allowing DXVK to help Linux ports for Direct3D to Vulkan

By Liam Dawe,
You have a fancy game using Direct3D 11 and you want to port it to Linux? In future, DXVK may be able to help with that.

NVIDIA 435.27.06 Vulkan Beta driver is out

By Liam Dawe,
If you like to live on the wild side, NVIDIA yesterday released a brand new update to their Vulkan Beta driver series with version 435.27.06.

Steam Play Proton 4.11-8 is out with vkd3d for Direct3D 12 support

By Liam Dawe,
Another update to Steam Play Proton has been released this evening, which should bring with it plenty of improvements for playing Windows games on Linux.

The Khronos Group have now released a Vulkan Guide to get you started

By Liam Dawe,
The Khronos Group seems to be making another big push for Vulkan API adoption lately, after putting up an official GitHub repository of code samples they've now done a Vulkan Guide.

The FOSS rendering engine OGRE is being ported to Vulkan

By Liam Dawe,
Some fun news for game developers and the Vulkan ecosystem as another FOSS rendering engine is being ported over to Vulkan.

NVIDIA have released the stable 440.31 driver update for Linux, plus a new Vulkan beta driver

By Liam Dawe,
Following on from the 440.26 beta released last month, NVIDIA have today added a few more changes to it and pushed it out as a stable driver update with version 440.31.

Godot Engine continues advancing Vulkan support, adopts new Code of Conduct

By Liam Dawe,
The team behind the free and open source game engine, Godot Engine, have another progress report to share on Vulkan support coming to Godot Engine 4.0. Plus, they have a new Code of Conduct.

The Khronos Group has launched a unified samples repository for Vulkan learning

By Liam Dawe,
Today, The Khronos Group announced their newest Vulkan initiative with the Unified Samples Repository. A new place to find what they say are high-quality Vulkan code samples reviewed by their team.

D9VK 0.30 'Froglet' is blowing out the cobwebs ready for Halloween

By Liam Dawe,
Joshua Ashton has pushed out a large update to D9VK, the DXVK-based layer that translates Direct3D9 to Vulkan for use with Wine.
Showing 260 to 280 of 574 entries found.