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New Desktop Screenshot Thread
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LordDaveTheKind Jan 25, 2023
Can't change my current wallpaper. It feels so relaxing.

Cyril Jan 25, 2023
Quoting: LordDaveTheKindCan't change my current wallpaper. It feels so relaxing.

I'm not sure, but thinking from what game it's coming from, it's... surprising.
Siinamon Feb 1, 2023
Rarely see my desktop so it's nice to show it when uncluttered.

dvd Feb 3, 2023
Quoting: SiinamonRarely see my desktop so it's nice to show it when uncluttered.

What's your konsole theme? or is the bracket thingy zsh specific?
Siinamon Feb 4, 2023
Quoting: dvdWhat's your konsole theme? or is the bracket thingy zsh specific?

Bracket thingy? As in the multi-line prompt? I am using a zsh-specific prompt. Source
Hamish Feb 21, 2023
A bit late again but here is February:
sourpuz Feb 23, 2023
Quoting: HamishA bit late again but here is February:

I really like how consistent you are. Are these Faenza or Obsidian icons? Sadly, my vanilla Gnome desktop isn't very interesting to look at. I like Adwaita, so my Fedora desktop looks very, very stock.
Pengling Feb 26, 2023

My current desktop-background is some really awesome fan-art based on Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!, that was done for this year's Awesome Games Done Quick charity speedrunning event, where the entire game was cleared in 30 minutes and 8 seconds.

Last edited by Pengling on 26 February 2023 at 7:11 pm UTC
Avehicle7887 Feb 26, 2023
End of month wallpaper

@Pengling - I loved Bomberman back in the Amiga days, especially in multiplayer.

Last edited by Avehicle7887 on 26 February 2023 at 10:30 pm UTC
Pengling Feb 27, 2023
Quoting: Avehicle7887@Pengling - I loved Bomberman back in the Amiga days, especially in multiplayer.
I'm a huuuuge fan of Bomberman. I did a big marathon through the series last year (I wrote about it in the Weekend Play List/Weekend Players' Club threads), and I'm currently revisiting all six Super Bomberman games to date in the run up to Super Bomberman R 2. The Amiga title is a fine conversion of the first PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 game - I was really impressed by it.

I love your wallpaper there, by the way - what a view!

Last edited by Pengling on 27 February 2023 at 5:14 am UTC
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