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Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By Marlock, 27 July 2024 at 12:45 am UTC

i love every little thing Mint did regarding the X-Apps initiative

often when Gnome goes hectic, there's something done in X-Apps to mitigate it, which ends up catering for a wide array of DEs and distros

Muffin has been rebased recently to a newer branch of Mutter, plus they significantly reduced the diffs between those projects, making it easier to rebase it again in the future

Valve gives developers some big reasons to add a demo on Steam
By Anza, 27 July 2024 at 12:04 am UTC

Quoting: ElectricPrismAlso, will there be ratings and reviews on Demos that __dont__ carry over to the released game to help measure public response? Or does that not make sense.
I would think if the ratings carry over, that would discourage publishing technical previews (and other demos that don't yet entirely present the finished product). I guess the downside from that is that developers get less early feedback. Though ratings in general might push the technical previews down.
Quoting: ElectricPrismAlso, I would like to optionally remove Demos from my account and couldn't find the button the other day -- maybe I am on Steam Client Beta and the button has gone *poof*
Uninstalling demos removes them from the account. Doesn't work with prologues though, but the changes should reduce the need for them.

Vibrant Sokoban-style game Puzzledorf now available for Linux, works great on Steam Deck
By Pengling, 26 July 2024 at 11:53 pm UTC

Quoting: KlaasDorf is German for village.
Oddly, it's also used as a suffix on the names of a couple of Nintendo villains!

Vibrant Sokoban-style game Puzzledorf now available for Linux, works great on Steam Deck
By mZSq7Fq3qs, 26 July 2024 at 9:03 pm UTC Likes: 1

Maybe this would help me with nethack?

Apple design award winner Afterplace just released on PC with Linux support
By Calinou, 26 July 2024 at 8:08 pm UTC

Quoting: hardpenguin
QuoteIt should run on any Linux distro that supports OpenGL

I remember regularly reading this in open source game READMEs in the 2000s, back when not everyone had 3D acceleration available due to driver issues. This was at a time where Nouveau barely existed and nv (NVIDIA's official open source driver) only had 2D acceleration.

Vibrant Sokoban-style game Puzzledorf now available for Linux, works great on Steam Deck
By Pengling, 26 July 2024 at 7:47 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Purple Library GuyThis is now the third game I've seen mentioned at GoL with "dorf" in the name.
Now we need to found a developer called Dorfsoft, and make a game named Dorfdorf, and have the names of all the key items contain "dorf", to boot.

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By Purple Library Guy, 26 July 2024 at 7:28 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: dziadulewiczOh dear, then there is this:

QuoteIn an unexpected move, Linux Mint 22 downgrades some of its preinstalled apps to older versions — not something most of us would expect when installing a newer version of a Linux distribution!

Why has this happened?

Many of the latest versions of these apps adopt GTK4/libadwaita for their UI, which Linux Mint dislikes, feeling it impacts the look, feel, and integration of apps with the rest of the non-GNOME desktops like Cinnamon – they stand out like a sore thumb, basically.

As a result, many apps have been downgraded to older GTK3 builds.
I was worried about this, then I checked the link and looked through until I found that bit, and
QuoteApps downgraded to older versions (than the ones present in the Ubuntu 24.04 repos) include Celluloid, GNOME Calculator, Simple Scan, Disk Usage Analyser, System Monitor, GNOME Calendar, and the archive extraction/compression tool File Roller.
Big deal. Those are mature apps where I don't care about the version. Not like they're using old Libreoffice or GIMP or something.

Combining exploration, city-building and complex resource management, Scorchlands 1.0 is out now
By Purple Library Guy, 26 July 2024 at 7:20 pm UTC

This looks pretty neat. Not quite sure if it's my thing exactly, but it may be; definitely thinking of giving it a try.

Vibrant Sokoban-style game Puzzledorf now available for Linux, works great on Steam Deck
By Purple Library Guy, 26 July 2024 at 7:16 pm UTC Likes: 1

This is now the third game I've seen mentioned at GoL with "dorf" in the name.

Apple design award winner Afterplace just released on PC with Linux support
By tuubi, 26 July 2024 at 7:08 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: NezchanHmm.

Afterplace on Steam: CDN $16.56

Afterplace on Itch: USD $5.94

I know the exchange rate isn't great these days, but this is a little much.

Looks like you only get the Android apk on Itch for that price. It jumps up much closer to the Steam price if you want the Linux/Windows/Mac builds.

Valve gives developers some big reasons to add a demo on Steam
By ElectricPrism, 26 July 2024 at 6:04 pm UTC Likes: 2

Demos needs its own filter in the left hand menu filter.

Also, will there be ratings and reviews on Demos that __dont__ carry over to the released game to help measure public response? Or does that not make sense.

Also, I would like to optionally remove Demos from my account and couldn't find the button the other day -- maybe I am on Steam Client Beta and the button has gone *poof*

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By tuubi, 26 July 2024 at 3:40 pm UTC

Quoting: pleasereadthemanualThe decision to fork older versions of these base desktop programs makes sense, but I don't like it. It doesn't matter much because you can still install newer versions via Flatpak.

And you can override and install the newer versions of these packages from the Ubuntu apt repositories if you really want to.

I doubt I'll bother, even if I do run file roller and gnome calculator sometimes.

Valve gives developers some big reasons to add a demo on Steam
By TheSHEEEP, 26 July 2024 at 3:39 pm UTC Likes: 1

This is gonna make the Steam game lists even more of a mess.

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By pleasereadthemanual, 26 July 2024 at 3:11 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: dziadulewiczBut there is no Wayland support even still for Cinnamon and Xfce (Mint's main desktops) it looks like? Whereas Ubuntu and others do have it nicely now.
I believe MATE and XFCE are far closer to a complete Wayland session than Cinnamon is. MATE has had a Wayland session for a while, and XFCE is close. Cinnamon might have more manpower than XFCE, but they said they wouldn't have a stable Wayland session before 2026, and that sounds reasonable.

The decision to fork older versions of these base desktop programs makes sense, but I don't like it. It doesn't matter much because you can still install newer versions via Flatpak.

Old School Rally now Steam Deck Verified with an impressive roadmap ahead
By pb, 26 July 2024 at 2:52 pm UTC Likes: 2

Good for them, but wake me up when it's done. So many games never lived up to the EA promises...

The 1.0 release for 7 Days to Die is finally here
By dubigrasu, 26 July 2024 at 2:39 pm UTC

I really tried to like this game, but the grind is killing me. The never ending grind and also managing the inventory. I realized that more than half of the gameplay time I've spent looking at the inventory screen, than doing actually something. Actual gameplay seems to be more like an annex to inventory management.
And I'm used to games where you have to carefully manage you possessions, for example The Long Dark, but in there everything is useful, even sticks and pebbles you find in the snow. In 7DTD your inventory consists in a miriad of worthless things. You have to gather a lot of crap and make countless roads in order to achieve something, well, like I said, grinding is insane.
Maybe I'm playing it wrong, I dunno.

No Rest for the Wicked now Steam Deck Verified thanks to latest update
By scaine, 26 July 2024 at 2:26 pm UTC

Absolutely love the look of this, but was a bit gutted that there's no Grim Dawn style multiplayer. Looks like it's going for roguelite rather than GD's RPG progression, but still. Ravenswatch pulls this off brilliantly, but they've gone all-in on single-player here and while I'm still interested, it's very much less so.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard gets Steam Deck Verified well ahead of release
By ToddL, 26 July 2024 at 2:08 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: melkemind
Quoting: ToddL
Quoting: melkemind
Quoting: TarosYay, no more special Proton build like for Inquisition.

That's funny because I'm playing it right now (never finished it back when it came out), and I was surprised I had to use that special DAI proton just to get my controller working. I'm excited for this.

I'm the same way with not finishing Inquisition back then but where can I get this DAI proton version? I'm thinking of revisiting this game soon and would like to have controller support when playing on my Steam Deck.

This is it:

Thank you for posting the link

Valve gives developers some big reasons to add a demo on Steam
By Mambo, 26 July 2024 at 1:42 pm UTC

Good, because now that Steam's catalogue is very lightly moderated, a lot of demos were being uploaded as separate games already. Here is a search for prologue, it finds 800 free games.

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By dziadulewicz, 26 July 2024 at 1:34 pm UTC

Oh dear, then there is this:

QuoteIn an unexpected move, Linux Mint 22 downgrades some of its preinstalled apps to older versions — not something most of us would expect when installing a newer version of a Linux distribution!

Why has this happened?

Many of the latest versions of these apps adopt GTK4/libadwaita for their UI, which Linux Mint dislikes, feeling it impacts the look, feel, and integration of apps with the rest of the non-GNOME desktops like Cinnamon – they stand out like a sore thumb, basically.

As a result, many apps have been downgraded to older GTK3 builds.

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By dziadulewicz, 26 July 2024 at 1:24 pm UTC

Quoting: PondaMint ships Cinnamon's experimental session by default and while buggy and incomplete, it's already quite usable

Buggy and incomplete is "usable"

Using for example Ubuntu under Wayland is SOLID. Mint team and Cinnamon are obviously behind the times, sorry to say because Mint is a very good distro otherwise. Mint is always still behind Ubuntu by a mile

Deep space colony sim Stardeus gets a massive overhaul in a new update
By Fakeman_Pretendname, 26 July 2024 at 1:12 pm UTC

Quoting: JarmerI think I used to have this on my wishlist a LONG time ago? Or am I thinking of something else similar?

There's quite a few superficially similar games - with either a top down Prison Architect/Rimworld visual style, or a Dwarf Fortress/Rimworld gameplay (or both):

Space Haven
The Last Starship
Starship Theory
Starfall Protocol
Starship Colony

They're a mix of "looks similar but isn't", "looks different but is similar", abandoned, unfinished or unreleased.

Stardeus is still in development, so technically unfinished, but it's certainly finished enough to be very playable. I've chucked over 100 hours into playing it (and I don't have the opportunity to do that with too many games these days) - and there's been a ton of updates since I last played it.

Anyway, there's a demo on the Steam page, so it's definitely worth trying.

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By Ponda, 26 July 2024 at 12:58 pm UTC Likes: 2

Firstly, Cinnamon is their main desktop, considering they are the ones developing it and that it is responsible for 43% of downloads or 69% including Edge channel (now deprecated as mainline Mint ships with newer kernel) and LMDE, which include only Cinnamon as their DE.
Xfce, Mate and Cinnamon all work towards Wayland session. Mint ships Cinnamon's experimental session by default and while buggy and incomplete, it's already quite usable. Mint teams expects full feature-parity and stability of Wayland, including XWayland, (relative to X11 session) for 23 release in 2026.

Proton Experimental gets fixes for Ubisoft Connect, Once Human, Burnout Paradise Remastered
By minidou, 26 July 2024 at 12:30 pm UTC

Quoting: minidou
QuoteFixed Once Human crashing when trying to join a server or opening the EULA on fresh Proton prefixes.

I'll have to try experimental, but my only real issue is the stutter when moving the mouse
Whelp stutter is largely fixed with experimental, but I still suffer from the "black void" issue, making it unplayable.

Fallout: London mod for Fallout 4 has released today on GOG
By Fakeman_Pretendname, 26 July 2024 at 12:27 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Purple Library GuyI don't know why, but something about the tone of that quote makes it feel like the DLC was written by people who have never been to England. Hope I'm wrong.

The semi-Yorkshire (Northern) voiceover, using weird Cockney (Southern) dialect words and phrases made me feel a bit sick - but overall, it looks like there's been a lot of good work into the worldbuilding, so although it'll clearly be somewhat based on a tourist stereotype, I'm hopeful it won't be too much "Cor Bloimey Mary Poppins gavna, let's go ap the apples and pears gavna". Regardless it looks like they've done a phenomenal job of it, and I look forward to playing it at some point.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard gets Steam Deck Verified well ahead of release
By melkemind, 26 July 2024 at 12:26 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ToddL
Quoting: melkemind
Quoting: TarosYay, no more special Proton build like for Inquisition.

That's funny because I'm playing it right now (never finished it back when it came out), and I was surprised I had to use that special DAI proton just to get my controller working. I'm excited for this.

I'm the same way with not finishing Inquisition back then but where can I get this DAI proton version? I'm thinking of revisiting this game soon and would like to have controller support when playing on my Steam Deck.

This is it:

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By rea987, 26 July 2024 at 11:58 am UTC

So, is there Wayland or XWayland support for Mate?

Linux Mint 22 is officially out now supported until 2029
By dziadulewicz, 26 July 2024 at 11:34 am UTC

But there is no Wayland support even still for Cinnamon and Xfce (Mint's main desktops) it looks like? Whereas Ubuntu and others do have it nicely now.

The 1.0 release for 7 Days to Die is finally here
By g000h, 26 July 2024 at 11:22 am UTC

I've been playing the v1 version for a couple of days now. I was very impressed by the new game visuals and the game plays noticeably faster (framerate) than Alpha 21.

Here are my settings:

Zombie Speed: Nightmare (all the time)
Zombie Toughness: Insane
Horde Size: 64 (maximum)
Permadeath (lose everything if you die)
Feral Sense: Off
Show Airdrops on Map: Off


I have died once already (approx day 17) when I got surrounded by a wandering horde while I was clearing out a basement.

So far, in this second game-run I haven't died (day 15 so far).

Liking the new monster on horde night.

The increased Screamer frequency is quite a pain (for my settings).


Compared with Alpha 21, the game grind has increased. It takes ages to progress, especially if you play on extreme settings. Chopping away at a wood wall with a stone axe takes about 30 seconds per block. It used to take about 5 seconds. And, on Day 15 of my play, I'm still using stone tools and the wrench. (You can progress more rapidly if you play on easier settings.)