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awesomeXpossum Jun 28, 2023
Quoting: PenglingAbsolutely love the Studio Ghibli background here - very smart-looking!

Thank you, though the credit rightfully goes to the very talented artist who made it
Pengling Jun 29, 2023
Quoting: awesomeXpossumThank you, though the credit rightfully goes to the very talented artist who made it
Ooh, fantastic - many thanks for the link!
Pengling Jul 27, 2023

Key-art from Biomutant. I'm waiting to pick this game up in the next big Steam sale.
StoneColdSpider Jul 27, 2023
Quoting: PenglingKey-art from Biomutant. I'm waiting to pick this game up in the next big Steam sale.
Looks like a furry version of Cloud from Final Fantasy VII with that sword.......

Last edited by StoneColdSpider on 27 July 2023 at 10:33 pm UTC
Hamish Jul 31, 2023
Almost too late but here is July:

mrazster Aug 1, 2023
Playing around a bit with LxQt on Nobara's working really great so far.

Cyril Aug 1, 2023
Quoting: mrazsterPlaying around a bit with LxQt on Nobara's working really great so far.
Saying the guy with the Arch logo, and with Fedora in his PC info.
Maybe you're using Nobara in Fedora in Arch!
mrazster Aug 2, 2023
Quoting: CyrilSaying the guy with the Arch logo, and with Fedora in his PC info.
Maybe you're using Nobara in Fedora in Arch!

There is no option for Nobara in the list of distros, and so the closest thing is Fedora, since it's based on that.
As for the logo, I was using Arch at the time of uploading it.
And it's still one of my favorites. Nothing wrong in trying new stuff.

But regardless of what distors I use and what logos I have as my avatar, what's it to you ? Why do you feel the need to take a piss ?
Have I offended you in any way ?
scaine Aug 2, 2023
Quoting: mrazster
Quoting: CyrilSaying the guy with the Arch logo, and with Fedora in his PC info.
Maybe you're using Nobara in Fedora in Arch!

There is no option for Nobara in the list of distros, and so the closest thing is Fedora, since it's based on that.
As for the logo, I was using Arch at the time of uploading it.
And it's still one of my favorites. Nothing wrong in trying new stuff.

But regardless of what distors I use and what logos I have as my avatar, what's it to you ? Why do you feel the need to take a piss ?
Have I offended you in any way ?

I thought Cyril's comment was just poking gentle fun. Can't speak for them, of course, but I'd be disappointed if Cyril were truly taking the piss.

I mean, you gotta admit, it is pretty funny to have one distro listed in your profile, use another distro's icon as your avatar, then post that you're loving a third distro in the screenshot thread!!

Edit to add - absolutely beautiful desktop, btw.

Last edited by scaine on 2 August 2023 at 10:47 am UTC
Cyril Aug 3, 2023
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: mrazster
Quoting: CyrilSaying the guy with the Arch logo, and with Fedora in his PC info.
Maybe you're using Nobara in Fedora in Arch!

There is no option for Nobara in the list of distros, and so the closest thing is Fedora, since it's based on that.
As for the logo, I was using Arch at the time of uploading it.
And it's still one of my favorites. Nothing wrong in trying new stuff.

But regardless of what distors I use and what logos I have as my avatar, what's it to you ? Why do you feel the need to take a piss ?
Have I offended you in any way ?

I thought Cyril's comment was just poking gentle fun. Can't speak for them, of course, but I'd be disappointed if Cyril were truly taking the piss.

I mean, you gotta admit, it is pretty funny to have one distro listed in your profile, use another distro's icon as your avatar, then post that you're loving a third distro in the screenshot thread!!

Edit to add - absolutely beautiful desktop, btw.

Of course I was just joking! Damn even with the emojis, it wasn't obvious?
More serious than this guy I think you die lol.
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