New Desktop Screenshot Thread
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Mezron Dec 1, 2023
Lofty Dec 1, 2023
Quoting: Arcadius-8606

kind of looks like cosmic destkop. is that popOS ?
DoctorJunglist Dec 2, 2023
Not much has changed in terms of my desktop setup, only that I'm using Ubuntu instead of Nobara.

It's nice to be back on Ubuntu, to be back after so many years. Overall, I like it. I think the hate Ubuntu gets is way overblown. Compared to the other distros, it just makes my life easier.

Mezron Dec 3, 2023
Quoting: Loftykind of looks like cosmic destkop. is that popOS ?

Yeah! I love POP OS!
FateTrap Dec 5, 2023

PCLinuxOS, XFCE and F2FS as a root partition

ROSA Fresh Desktop 12.4, LXQt and XFS as a root partition
Hamish Dec 28, 2023

Last edited by Hamish on 29 December 2023 at 2:05 am UTC
Pengling Jan 22

Repping GOL, here.
Hamish Jan 31
Honestly forgot about changing my wallpapers this month, but since I was working on this image anyway...

Cybolic Feb 1
Joined the Cool Kids Club and started using Hyprland on Wayland. It's almost as good as my bspwm setup, but still got a few rough edges. Also, let me just plug xremap as a fantastic keybinding-launcher-tool-thing; it supports creating modes like in Vim (e.g. `Super+s` followed by `s` for screenshotting the screen vs `Super+s w` for the window) and has really helped me with my binds!

Wallpaper is Rose Waves by waneella (animated gif, Patreon pay-walled) (preview video here)

Last edited by Cybolic on 1 February 2024 at 2:29 pm UTC
Pengling Feb 4

Some official art from the PDF poster included with the download for the homebrew Commodore 64 game Bomberland, which is a passion-project created to make up for the fact that the C64 never got an official Bomberman title of its own.

Quoting: chaussettesI like cinnamon but I'm never really happy with it no matter how I customize it
Having tried it recently, that's my view on it as well. I went back to Xfce fairly quickly, but I'm sure that I would recommend Cinnamon to friends and relatives as it would suit their use-cases better than mine.
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