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New Desktop Screenshot Thread
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Arch + Window Maker

Last edited by amortician on 5 February 2024 at 4:43 pm UTC
FateTrap Feb 11

Alpine Linux & river wm

The performance of Alpine Linux & river wm in Flatpak games is very good.

Alpine & river wm outperforms Clear Linux & i3 wm in the specific games I tested.
Xpander Feb 11
Arch Linux, MATE Desktop

Linux_Rocks Feb 18

It isn't original, but I like it. lol
Linux_Rocks Feb 18
Quoting: Linux_Rocks
It isn't original, but I like it. lol
I'm team auto-hide with my taskbars. It's a remnant of the days of lower resolutions, but I still stick with it nowadays for a nice clean look. lol

Chrome, Thunderbird, Discord, etc, are all on the taskbar. Which is why they're not on the desktop. :P

Last edited by Linux_Rocks on 18 February 2024 at 9:52 pm UTC

I saw this gem while playing Resident Evil....... It needed to be done........
Pengling Feb 22
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderI saw this gem while playing Resident Evil....... It needed to be done........
Those shades were totally never suspicious at all, and Wesker is clearly an upstanding and honest citizen. Also he clearly wasn't edited into that photograph.
Hamish Feb 28
I have been teaching myself Godot so it seemed appropriate:

Strictly speaking, not a desktop. But my new steam deck homepage


Mmmmmmm.... That minty fresh wallpaper......
Just made the switch to Mint.....
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