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New Desktop Screenshot Thread
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pilk Apr 12

Here's mine right now.
goule Apr 27
here's my xfce desktop on manjaro with a tweaked vertex dark gtk theme!
Owltech Apr 28
Almost default KDE 6 here. Might switch back to GNOME when its Wayland support is as good as KDE's.
FateTrap Apr 30

Calculate Linux and KDE Plasma
Recently got hooked to the Everspace games, almost done with the first game.

scaine May 20
Quoting: Avehicle7887Recently got hooked to the Everspace games, almost done with the first game.

Stunning wallpaper!
Pengling May 20
Quoting: scaineStunning wallpaper!
Absolutely is!

Happy Cake Day, by the way, scaine.
scaine May 20
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: scaineStunning wallpaper!
Absolutely is!

Happy Cake Day, by the way, scaine.

Cake day? Isn't that later on in the year? What am I missing??
Pengling May 20
Quoting: scaineCake day? Isn't that later on in the year? What am I missing??
There's a cake to the right of your username - mousing over it says you've been on GOL for 11 years.
scaine May 20
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: scaineCake day? Isn't that later on in the year? What am I missing??
There's a cake to the right of your username - mousing over it says you've been on GOL for 11 years.

Good grief, so there is! Over a decade of Linux gaming love! Happy cake day to me!
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