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Stellaris recommendations
Nezchan Jun 21, 2018
I've just got the base game for Stellaris, but I like what I've seen so far. So I'm looking at maybe picking up a DLC or two in the Steam sale this summer and I'm curious which ones are the best value for my rather limited bucks.

Alternatively, I see that the game has a rather active modding community. So I'm curious which ones people see as essential for great gameplay. There are tonnes of mods, so I'm not really sure which are worth it and which are a waste of time.
Smilex Jun 21, 2018
I too am interested in this information
Nezchan Jun 21, 2018
Samsai recommended Utopia and/or Synthetic Dawn, so I'm thinking maybe getting Utopia plus a story pack would work, then look at Synthetic Dawn sometime later. Utopia and SD add new mechanics that are good throughout the game, where Apocalypse is largely late-game stuff.

Still very interested in mod suggestions, though.
Cmdr_Iras Jun 22, 2018
Afraid the only Mod I have played for Stellaris is the Star Trek Horizons total conversion mod. It is truely amazing.

For standard gameplay mods, Guilli's planet modifiers mod is popular, as are the more events mods (though with the events rework in Niven Im unsure if the latter still works)
Julius Jun 23, 2018
Utopia is soso... only get it if cheap. Apocalypse the same.

Synthetic dawn is cool as it gives you a fresh replay and Leviathans is a cool mid game dynamic.
Nezchan Jun 23, 2018
Utopia is 50% off, so getting it cheap is kind of the whole point. Leviathans too. Synthetic Dawn does look interesting, and I might end up getting all three, although I'm kinda watching my cash right now.
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