GOL user statistics discussion
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Shmerl Dec 3, 2019
A thread for discussion about user stats, trends and various suggestions on the topic.
Shmerl Dec 3, 2019
Some suggestions for missing data points that come up often and would be interesting to monitor the trend for them:

1. Session type (X or Wayland).
2. Monitor refresh rate.
3. Adaptive sync usage.
razing32 Dec 3, 2019
Would be curios how many people use Wayland.
I am still on good old X.

You forgot another important one: vi vs emacs :P

Last edited by razing32 on 3 December 2019 at 9:20 pm UTC
Koopacabras Dec 3, 2019
I think one interesting stat would be which package management are u using (RPM, DEB, SLACK or ARCH). You could deduce that from the distro but I'm curious if there is ppl using flatpak or snap out there.

Last edited by Koopacabras on 3 December 2019 at 10:17 pm UTC
Shmerl Dec 3, 2019
Quoting: The_AquabatI think one interesting stat would be which package management are u using (RPM, DEB, SLACK or ARCH). You could deduce that from the distro but I'm curious if there is ppl using flatpak or snap out there.

I'd say that can be taken out into a separate question, like "Are you using any sandboxing, containerization or virtualization for gaming?", since Flatpak and etc. are not package managers, but sandboxing technologies.

Last edited by Shmerl on 3 December 2019 at 10:37 pm UTC
Koopacabras Dec 4, 2019
yeah I think that adding too much questions it might be a little overwhelming for newcomers. Another question might be are you using any console gaming emulator?, with a drop-down list with MAME, Dolphin, mupen64, etc. This could be good for statistics purpose but I said it could be a bit too much for newcomers. There's still quite a bunch of users that don't answer which PC components they have (RAM, CPU, etc) I bet it's because they don't know and they don't need to know to game, actually.
Koopacabras Dec 4, 2019
what about a different approach, according to some web statistics gamingonlinux.com has 4 thousands unique visitors per day, and I think the users that opt in for the survey are not more than 3 thousands, what about allowing users to report anonymous data?? (it would take some captcha or IP check so ppl don't report twice)

Last edited by Koopacabras on 4 December 2019 at 3:07 am UTC
buono Dec 8, 2019
Currently X, 60Hz no adaptive sync. Using opensource amd hardware and drivers.
Shmerl Feb 2, 2020
Session type (X or Wayland) was finally added (thanks Liam)!

Total number of users in the stats continues to decline. That's concerning.

Last edited by Shmerl on 2 February 2020 at 8:49 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Feb 2, 2020
Quoting: ShmerlTotal number of users in the stats continues to decline. That's concerning.
People adding themselves to it, while not being a regular reader to come back to update it so they drop off - that's what it mainly is because of the data cut-off.
Shmerl Feb 2, 2020
How many active users are there on average?
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