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Why do you use Linux?
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Poll results: Why do YOU use Linux?
It works better for what I use a computer for
33 vote(s)
Proprietary software is the devil's spawn. Only open source should survive!
12 vote(s)
A monopoly is never a good thing, viva la competition!
6 vote(s)
Huh? That's what everyone uses, you mean I can replace it with something else?
4 vote(s)
I like to make life difficult for myself and everyone else around me
4 vote(s)
I just like to tinker and tweak so I don't have to do any actual work
3 vote(s)
Paying for software is soooo noughties
2 vote(s)
I want to do my shady computer deeds without anyone knowing!
1 vote(s)
It's the ultimate gaming OS!
1 vote(s)
Because BSD is too hard!
1 vote(s)
Tchey Jan 5, 2022
I like the idea that there is not only one option in life, and i’m curious about alternative stuff. If "alternative" proves to be at least almost as good (or better) as mainstream, i may adopt it. True for my gaming inclinations, but in my life in general. Also i dislike being forced into something, and clearly the two other may OS are doing anything to keep users to themselves, instead of educating users to be aware. So Linux is simply a part of my life’s mood. OK, bad explanations and choices of words probably, english... Oh, english as "international language" is a joke too, but that’s another topic...
GustyGhost Jan 5, 2022
I need computers that are trustworthy, under my control, and which do not betray me to any other party. Currently, Linux is the most complete and supported kernel for OSes to build around, although I have no tribalistic loyalty linux. BSD or hurd or whatever could serve as drop-in replacements if ever they become more suitable for my needs.
denyasis Jan 6, 2022
Quoting: damarrinAnd I closed it by accident :-( Come back when (if?) Liam reopens it.

It's the Linux way.

I'm missing the "Couldn't afford windows" option, so I went with the making everything harder one. Basically, the same right? 🤪
CatKiller Jan 6, 2022
Quoting: denyasisI'm missing the "Couldn't afford windows" option, so I went with the making everything harder one. Basically, the same right? 🤪
That would be the paying for software is soooo noughties option.
PublicNuisance Jan 6, 2022
I started using Linux because Microsoft made Windows more and more unbearable for me. I continued to use Linux as I learned more about FOSS software and I have only ventured deeper down the rabbit hole along the way. If anything it's almost sad because upgrading hardware used to be fun for me and now looking at upcoming hardware all I can see is how the manufacturer is trying to screw me over or strip my freedom away.
Guppy Jan 6, 2022
Because while people keep assuring me that "you can in fact use a butter knife to drive in a screw" I prefer to use the correct tool for the job ;)

Having said that though the reason I game on Linux is because I've become too damn lazy to bother with dualbooting
Kuduzkehpan Jan 6, 2022
more secure ,faster, stable,
Hardware friendly,
And it feels like user are the owner of the PC. And its totaly free
Cyril Jan 6, 2022
Too bad we can't pick two answers.
So for me it's:
"It works better for what I use a computer for"
"*Proprietary software is the devil's spawn. Only open source should survive!*"

I mean, in a world without Free Software, even if Linux was proprietary I certainly would use it instead of Windows!
Avehicle7887 Jan 6, 2022
To answer the thread's title question. I use Linux because I like the whole idea of a free OS where I'm not bound by Microsoft's rules and that I can personalize as I wish.

I've fell in love with Linux all the way back in 2005, I was just an 18yr old teenager back then mind you. Playing the latest games on it was a mere dream back then and I was forced to use Windows. I made the full switch in 2014 when Linux gaming was on the rise. Couldn't be happier with how far things have come since then :)
denyasis Jan 7, 2022
Quoting: CatKiller
Quoting: denyasisI'm missing the "Couldn't afford windows" option, so I went with the making everything harder one. Basically, the same right? 🤪
That would be the paying for software is soooo noughties option.

Oh my gosh! I totally missed that one! I've skewed the results! Noooooo!!!

Can I add one I just thought of?
"Calling Microsoft tech support to get a new key because you reinstalled Windows too much is really annoying"

(Actually every time I called, The tech support dudes were actually super nice and helpful.)

Also... The BSD one is 100% true.

Last edited by denyasis on 7 January 2022 at 2:22 am UTC
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