What distro do you use?
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BlackBloodRum Jan 22, 2022
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualArch can get a lot of updates. It's the fastest package manager around, but some computers I don't touch for weeks and they need to upgrade 1000 packages. It can take up to 15 minutes.

Heh. I have a Gentoo rig that wasn't touched in over a year. It took a little longer than 15 minutes to update.
Found the NASA employee with access to supercomputers

GustyGhost Jan 26, 2022
Quoting: BlackBloodRum
Quoting: GuestHeh. I have a Gentoo rig that wasn't touched in over a year. It took a little longer than 15 minutes to update.
Found the NASA employee with access to supercomputers

Sidenote, but how did this meme originate? NASA is a little fish compared to the Department of Energy when it comes to supercomputing activity.
robvv Jan 26, 2022
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed here, with KDE Plasma on the desktop. I've been an OpenSUSE user since 2006 and whilst I have tried both Fedora and Ubuntu at various times, I found they didn't seem to have the ease of configuration that I find with YaST.

Pros: very up-to-date, YaST and lost of excellent community repos.

Cons: manually installing the latest Nvidia driver sometimes risks a conflict with Mesa libraries. This is relatively easy to fix but still rather irritating. Nvidia does provide an RPM repo, however, but I like to be able to meddle with drivers so this is really a problem of my own creation :-)
FateTrap Jun 18
I prefer PCLinuxOS (XFS file system), Devuan (testing branch), Calculate Linux, ALT Sisyphus, Void Linux (glibc) and Alpine Linux

I use Calculate Linux and OpenBSD as daily drivers, I use two SSDs in the same system.
LoudTechie Jun 18
Quoting: GustyGhost
Quoting: BlackBloodRum
Quoting: GuestHeh. I have a Gentoo rig that wasn't touched in over a year. It took a little longer than 15 minutes to update.
Found the NASA employee with access to supercomputers

Sidenote, but how did this meme originate? NASA is a little fish compared to the Department of Energy when it comes to supercomputing activity.

NASA actively shares their processing power and NASA does more impressive stuff with their super computer power(spaaace).
A.K.A NASA isn't boring.
LoudTechie Jun 18
Quoting: denyasisI know the stats from Valve, the internet, etc,etc about what out there is more popular. But I also know that doesn't tell the whole story.

So what distro do you use?
What do you like about it? What don't you like about it?

Side note: I wanted to make a bit of a joke and call the thread "Distro Wars!!! Fight!!", but figured people would just show up here already angry. Also:
1) It's against the rules. I can't find them right now... But I do remember them. No distro wars at all.
2) If the stereotype has any truth, we'd probably all hurt ourselves trying to fight anyway, being nerds and all. Except for that one person who works out 10 times a day, has 15 black belts and runs LFS (obviously, lol).
3) Remember those rules? Your talking about you're distro. No crapping on other people's choices. This is your chance to talk up your distro, not down to others.

I'm primary a debian stable user.

I like it,
- because it updates slow(I don't want to think, I want to tinker)
- Makes it easy to kill non-foss elements.
- Is what I'm used to(I've basically always used debian based distros)
- it's stable.

I dislike it,
- because they do custom stuff with their packages causing surprises once in a while(APACHEEEEE!)
- It's not cool. I'm a tech guy and started with Kali Linux. I like the street cred a fancy distro like pure arch, kali linux gentoo or linux from scratch gives.

I'm rocking an AdderWs from system76, so I decided to just keep it simple with their own operating system.

Now my likes and dislikes (which will change as soon as the next release comes out. (please hurry system76)

What I like:

It's Ubuntu, but not Ubuntu. I love the Ubuntu operating system, but I'm not a big fan of some things the company is doing. With Pop!_OS I get almost all the support of Ubuntu, everything I like with Ubuntu and none of the stuff I don't.

OS recovery, if I mess something up on my operating system, I can easily nuke it and keep my home folder!

Semi rolling release. I'm rocking the latest kernel releases almost as fast as the rolling distros!

What I don't like: (Will change the moment the next Pop!_OS comes out)

The base is Ubuntu 22.04 which means I'm still on Gnome 42 and running Xorg. Which especially with their extentions can be a bit laggy at times. I'm impatiently waiting for the new COSMIC release though.
pilk Jun 19
Right now, I'm using the KDE version of Fedora.
For me, it hits a nice balance between being stable and being current, and is finally the distro to fully get me out of my Ubuntu-based comfort zone. Where I really like a lot of Ubuntu-based distros like Mint and Pop!_OS, I wanted to find some distros that'd get me away from Canonical if they kept on making weird decisions. I mean, I realize Red Hat's a different company that makes weird decisions, but Fedora seems pretty clean of nonsense at the moment.
Im on that Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

Stop.... Sit down and listen..... Spidier is speaking...... Why hes on Mint yeah......
Its got everything that I need...... A nice base package with a simple installer..... Its all killer and no filler.....
And the software manager makes it easy...... To add other packages that I really need......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

Wait.... Whats that smell??..... Oh hell its the Cinnamon...... Its a really nice and simple DE......
Its easy to navigate..... I dont need a sat nav in place..... Eveything is logically laidout...... And my workflow is not left out......
And on top of that...... Its pretty lightweight too.....
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

I couldnt believe what I was seeing..... It was like I was dreaming.....
Installation was a breeze...... And there wasnt a single freeze..... Driver installation was so easy..... Even with my Nvidia GTX 1080.....
This thing hasnt missed a beat...... And emulating is so sweet......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

I even got Davo..... From the servo...... He was on Windows...... Now hes on that Mint yo!......
Its so easy..... It was peasy...... Now his computings really dreamy......
He will never got back to Windows...... And that really is the main goal....... Its totally crunk dilly yo!.......
Mint Mint baby...... Even hes on the Mint Mint baby...... I recommend the Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby...... Even hes on the Mint Mint baby...... I recommend the Mint Mint baby......
Pengling Jun 19
Quoting: LoudTechieNASA actively shares their processing power and NASA does more impressive stuff with their super computer power(spaaace).
A.K.A NASA isn't boring.
And NASA is world-famous, whereas the Department of Energy is not.

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderIm on that Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

Stop.... Sit down and listen..... Spidier is speaking...... Why hes on Mint yeah......
Its got everything that I need...... A nice base package with a simple installer..... Its all killer and no filler.....
And the software manager makes it easy...... To add other packages that I really need......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

Wait.... Whats that smell??..... Oh hell its the Cinnamon...... Its a really nice and simple DE......
Its easy to navigate..... I dont need a sat nav in place..... Eveything is logically laidout...... And my workflow is not left out......
And on top of that...... Its pretty lightweight too.....
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

I couldnt believe what I was seeing..... It was like I was dreaming.....
Installation was a breeze...... And there wasnt a single freeze..... Driver installation was so easy..... Even with my Nvidia GTX 1080.....
This thing hasnt missed a beat...... And emulating is so sweet......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby....... Im on that Mint Mint baby......

I even got Davo..... From the servo...... He was on Windows...... Now hes on that Mint yo!......
Its so easy..... It was peasy...... Now his computings really dreamy......
He will never got back to Windows...... And that really is the main goal....... Its totally crunk dilly yo!.......
Mint Mint baby...... Even hes on the Mint Mint baby...... I recommend the Mint Mint baby......
Mint Mint baby...... Even hes on the Mint Mint baby...... I recommend the Mint Mint baby......
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't stop laughing!

I'm on Mint also. Mint Xfce specifically. I moved over to it after many, many years on Xubuntu (which I moved to after spending my first year with Linux on Kubuntu), and it smooths out all of the papercuts that had annoyed me for some time - it handles connecting my laptop to an external monitor better, for example, which was always a bit flaky on Xubuntu.

I love it - the Mint Xfce install has most things that I want right off the bat, and the default software choices improve upon those found in Xubuntu. Unless something changes very drastically, I'll probably stick with it from now on.
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