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OMG - Ron Gilbert is making Monkey Island 3a (release 2022)
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kokoko3k Apr 7, 2022
Le'ts hope it will not SO self-referential as Timbleweed Park, I need something fresh or even a four headed monkey!

Quoting: damarrinNo other MI is on Linux, so...
That's because the one made by Gilbert were just the first two.
Timbleweed park and Delores used an engine developed by Gilbert and friends which was compatible with Linux and so were made available.

I've hope.
kokoko3k Apr 10, 2022
I was thinking...
How will Gilbert continue the story, from which point, if any?
Will he finally give us an explaination for the Luna Park (is funfare in english?) ending from MI2?
Eheh i'm so hyped.

Last edited by kokoko3k on 10 April 2022 at 12:38 pm UTC
Arehandoro Apr 11, 2022
Quoting: sub
Quoting: morgancoxukAny news if there will be a native Linux version?

I played the first 2 on the Amiga and would prefer not to use a Windows version if possible

Looks like Liam was the VERY first commenter on Ron's webpage with the announcement:

Which shows Liam never sleeps :D
Arehandoro Apr 11, 2022
I was so hyped for this announcement the other day. Can't still believe it. Really hope is a good one, and I'll play the first two again in preparation for this :D
dpanter Apr 11, 2022
Did someone say, man I wish there was a long ass video from The Video Game History Foundation talking to Ron Gilbert talking about the secrets of Monkey Island?
Then this is your lucky day!

The Secrets of Monkey Island - An Evening With Ron Gilbert
Note the timestamp, video starts at 2:57:40 and ends at 5:05:00, so the whole thing clocks in at ~2 hours despite the video being nearly 6 hours long.
dr_jekyll Apr 23, 2022
In case someone has not seen it already, there are new interviews and some more pictures from the game itself:

I can't really say whether I like the new graphics or not, but the trailer looked quite good (more animations, good lightning etc.), so maybe it will work out.

My hope (beside that it should be good) is also that it is not too short.
sub Apr 24, 2022
Quoting: dr_jekyllIn case someone has not seen it already, there are new interviews and some more pictures from the game itself:

I can't really say whether I like the new graphics or not, but the trailer looked quite good (more animations, good lightning etc.), so maybe it will work out.

My hope (beside that it should be good) is also that it is not too short.

Thanks for sharing!

I love this guy. :)

The only let down for me concerning the graphics was that imho somehow strange face design of the violin player in the teaser.
Then again, seeing those other screenshots - it's looking awesome and fitting to a modern idea of MI.

Reading about the fears Ron and Dave had.
It would be crazy to think they would not have them (maybe still).
I mean to a not so small audience that's not just an arbitrary game.
Sure, I want this to be great and fresh and feel like it did when I played the first two MI as a kid.
But, I promise - even if it can't match it for one or another reason, I'll be still thankful for Ron
to take on that project. I guess many are thinking that way and I hope he knows this and it takes some pressure from them.

Last edited by sub on 24 April 2022 at 9:37 am UTC
kokoko3k Apr 25, 2022
Ok, it is not pixel art at all, just like the trailer shows.
It's a bit sad... I mean, you can still modernize things and keeping characters as they appeared in pixel art.
Modernize is not depersonalize.
Also, the audience of Monkey 3a is the same of Monkey 1 and 2 and i bet they would be very happy to have guybrush that looks like... Guybrush!

That said, i've still great expectation from the game.
Let's hope at least Michael Land didn't turned itself into an industrial/techno/synth guy.
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