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Steel Sorm possible fps mode?
Rustybolts Oct 14, 2010
Steel Sorm possible fps mode?

According to Kot in Actions website Steel storm may have an unlockable fps mode in episode 2, and in action it looks rather nifty.
Video here:-
Liam Dawe Oct 15, 2010
Re: Steel Sorm possible fps mode?

That's actually the very start of episode one, pretty cool though!
Rustybolts Oct 15, 2010
Re: Steel Sorm possible fps mode?

He has stated it may be unlockable through the episode 2 release. The video shows the feature running in episode 1.
QuoteI am sure everyone had that question – how will SS look in FPS mode. Here is your answer:
This mode might be included into Episode II as an unlockable feature..
Liam Dawe Oct 17, 2010
Re: Steel Sorm possible fps mode?

Would be pretty awesome to have it in.

Things like that i think would make the game more appealing to people who prefer to play it that style rather than the current top down. Would never want it to replace the top down view though or else it could just become "yet another shooter".
Rustybolts Oct 17, 2010
Re: Steel Sorm possible fps mode?

I think it would make the game feel very much like the original Doom, still play Doom every now and again nowadays great controls.
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