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GOL User Stats Discussion
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Numeric Apr 12
Quick thought for the future. Could Fedora Kinoite be added to the PC distribution list? Or maybe rebrand the Fedora Silverblue option to be Fedora Atomic Desktops based on Fedora new naming scheme.

For now, I just updated my profile to be Fedora Silverblue with the Plasma Desktop to represent Fedora Kinoite.
Would it make sense to add PS5 DualSense Edge as a separate controller? I am testing it currently and in the PC info I set my controller as "Not listed" because it is not exactly 1:1 feature-wise to PS5 DualSense.

Last edited by Kallestofeles on 4 June 2024 at 9:32 am UTC
Liam Dawe Jun 4
Quoting: KallestofelesWould it make sense to add PS5 DualSense Edge as a separate controller? I am testing it currently and in the PC info I set my controller as "Not listed" because it is not exactly 1:1 feature-wise to PS5 DualSense.
Good shout, added.
enigmaxg2 Jun 23
Quoting: ShmerlA few interesting things in this round of trends update:

* KDE Wayland session almost caught up to Gnome Wayland session usage.
* Wayland session itself is at 27.9% and gradually rising (from 19.63% same time last year).
* 60 Hz refresh rate remains surprisingly high still, at 46.14%. Though it's decreasing (50.5% last year).
* AMD GPUs usage is continuing to rise. At 50.15% now vs 46.28% last year.

And almost 1 year later here are my takes:

* KDE Plasma (at least here in GOL) is the de-facto DE, they were trading blows with Gnome from 2019 until mid 2021, when the last takeover occurred and Plasma has been going up steadily since. There's a 12.39% gap between them, which for now, holds the record of being the widest ever. Their performance, usability and customization improvements along being the "chosen" for the Deck, has made KDE the desktop of choice.

* Wayland is also going up slow, but steady, and I expect it to tie x11 in mid-2025 (maybe earlier if Nvidia's 560 driver release succeeds)

* The 60hz refresh rate decline has slowed, same for 1080p decline, looks like the current cost of living situation is refraining people from upgrading.

* AMD keeps growing both in CPU and GPU, growing share in CPUs is something wider and not limited to Linux userbase, Ryzen literally saved AMD CPU division. In GPUs it's because their Linux support is S-tier as opposed to Nvidia.
Shmerl Jun 23
Yeah, I agree. KDE is just a better DE and Gnome goes into some weird directions and has questionable choices that developers take. And I get the impression they don't really focus on gaming use case, unlike KDE (adaptive sync / VRR is a major example of that).

60 Hz / 1080p is a bit more strange. May be upgrade rate has slowed, but better and affordable options are around for years already so something else might be going on. I.e. like less people caring about low latency and better screen sync experience?

You can see that newer GPUs / CPUs usage is moving ahead, so people do upgrade their main PC components, but they clearly don't upgrade monitors as much even when you'd guess they are using something as outdated as 60 Hz.

And yeah, AMD is just an indisputable leader for Linux gaming.

Last edited by Shmerl on 23 June 2024 at 4:18 pm UTC
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