Mousepointer offset from actual position
Lucyamonster Nov 26, 2023
When lowering resolution of a game. The Mouse cursor is displayed at a different position then were it is clicking/selecting stuff, like menu items. I have encountered the problem before when i downsized a games resolution, but now I'm using FSR and the problem stays. Is there a fix for this or is the problem "normal" behavior?

Exact behavior:
When lowering a games resolution (the lower the worse) from the native resolution of the display.
The cursor is showing in a different spot the where it is interacting with the game. The problem intensifies the further the cursor is away from the top-left corner.
Linas Nov 27, 2023
Hi there. You have told us nothing about your device, desktop environment, or what game that is?

Are you using Wayland? Try Xorg.
Lucyamonster Nov 27, 2023
Quoting: LinasHi there. You have told us nothing about your device, desktop environment, or what game that is?

Are you using Wayland? Try Xorg.

No I'm using x11 as displayed on my profile, but thanks
Linas Nov 27, 2023
Quoting: Lucyamonster
Quoting: LinasAre you using Wayland? Try Xorg.

No I'm using x11 as displayed on my profile, but thanks
You should be aware that your profile is private.
BlackBloodRum Nov 27, 2023
Odd, it shouldn't do that. And, I'm not sure why it's doing that however, I can offer a suggestion:

On the chance that it's in regular wine (not proton), you can set wine to emulate a "virtual desktop" and set it to the lower resolution, this will let you run the game in windowed mode and (hopefully) should resolve the issue.

Quoting: Linas
Quoting: Lucyamonster
Quoting: LinasAre you using Wayland? Try Xorg.

No I'm using x11 as displayed on my profile, but thanks
You should be aware that your profile is private.
Fun fact! Below the "New user" badge under his avatar is a link that says "View PC Info". This will allow you to view his PC info :-)
whizse Nov 27, 2023
You need to be much more specific as to what game or games it happens with, how you play them (native, Proton, Proton-GE etc.) and what your setup is.

I have found some reports of offset cursors caused by using fractional scaling in X11 and one caused by a GNOME extension. Do you use something like that?
Lucyamonster Dec 2, 2023
Quoting: whizseYou need to be much more specific as to what game or games it happens with, how you play them (native, Proton, Proton-GE etc.) and what your setup is.

I have found some reports of offset cursors caused by using fractional scaling in X11 and one caused by a GNOME extension. Do you use something like that?

it seems to work great in apex legends with proton-ge and fsr on steam but overwatch 2 with fsr on lutris doesn't work at all.
I have seen the same behavior in another game, but it seems to be fixed there.
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