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Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By FutureSuture, 30 July 2014 at 11:22 am UTC Likes: 2

I am with Hamish on this one. Companies like Frozenbyte and Playdead that put what is seemingly considered above and beyond extraordinary effort for their ancient games may have my money, whereas the others may not. Simple.

Two Tribes brand new platform shooter RIVE is coming to Linux
By Beamboom, 30 July 2014 at 10:27 am UTC Likes: 1

Who's trolling the devs here? This is merely a place for exchange of opinion.

A lot has changed in 30 years. Heck, in regards to gaming a lot has changed only the past few years. The term "PC" in gaming context stems from the time there was only one relevant gaming OS on x86 architecture. Now there's three.

Watch The Unreal Tournament Developers Play Team Deathmatch
By stss, 30 July 2014 at 10:20 am UTC Likes: 1

Xonotic is actually pretty good. It just doesn't have a very high playerbase last time I checked which is kind of essential.

As long as UT can bring in the numbers then that alone makes it worth having another fast paced shooter on Linux IMO.
and it looks like it's shaping up pretty well too.

Watch The Unreal Tournament Developers Play Team Deathmatch
By Beamboom, 30 July 2014 at 10:09 am UTC Likes: 1

lave, interesting post, but I respectfully disagree.

A couple of comments on your two points:

a) There's very few multiplayer games who has frustrated me as a noob more than DOTA2. Bear in mind that I've never played a moba before so I am a 100% noob, but the whole concept of letting your minions do the groundwork and just go for the final blow yourself was just annoying to me, and felt so unnatural.
Also it felt utterly overwhelming with all the items to buy/choose from, setting up a transport to the store and all that stuff along the levelling route, not to mention the ridiculous amount of heroes to choose from. In short: I think UT (or COD for that matter) is a much, *much* more accessible and less frustrating game for a noob than DOTA.

b) The most popular mainstream multiplayer FPS today is COD. And that franchise keeps owning the multiplayer fps throne despite lacking any major tournaments etc. It's just a bunch of player hosted quick games - very similar to UT.

There's one major difference though: In COD you got the grinding to unlock weapon mods and skills. That's an incentive to keep going that lacks in UT. It would be sweet if they add something similar to UT, although one of the sweet things about UT is exactly this, it's all up to your skills and not your unlocks.

We'll see how it goes, but I sincerely *hope* there still is room for UT in the gaming landscape.

Two Tribes brand new platform shooter RIVE is coming to Linux
By neffo, 30 July 2014 at 9:08 am UTC

Hey guys, I think you are about 30 years too late for this argument. PC has meant Microsoft since PC-DOS.

Please don't troll devs with something so trivial.

Watch The Unreal Tournament Developers Play Team Deathmatch
By lave, 30 July 2014 at 8:55 am UTC

as much as i like seeing them beeing so motivated about their project and the promised linux support i cannot see this going anywhere still. maybe i should point out that im 30 and basically grew up with playing unreal tournament and especially quake3. so instead of beeing the typical console-CoDisCool-Kid i am actually part of the easiest to convince targetgroup for this project.
i dont think the arena fps genre is bound to be dead, instead i believe that every attempt to it in the last 10 years or so was totally lacking what modern multiplayer games are all about. the prolly best try was quakelive which attracted many new players in the openbeta / early release stages due to accessability (install browser plugin, play) free2play (the real one, where you still get 100% content) and it still most players stopped playing it after some time because of various but obvious reasons (bad matchmaking, no cheat protection, very bad noob protection, no laddersystem, no longterm strategie nor investment by the developer).

i feel like what we have here is another team of people that tries to bring back a game from the old time, relying on the powerful name of a franchise that will be thrown on the market at a state where most work is done to fancy graphics and leveldesign. what it will lack is:
a) the fulfilling and easy to access multiplayer experience that makes you have a good time even as a noob of say Hearthstone or Dota. these games are neither original nor good looking, but when you play them you really feel the work that has been put into delivering a non frustrating pvp expirience.
b) the financial and persistent power of a bigger company that aims for a longterm investment and is willing to fund tournaments, cups, advertisment and whatnot to get the machine going. yes, it may be possible to create a successful multiplayer title without that still, but then everything else about the game has to be perfect

with that beeing said i still wish them best luck. personally i'd wished that this was another quake game instead of ut (because i dislike the slow clumsy movement) but whatever :D

Two Tribes brand new platform shooter RIVE is coming to Linux
By flesk, 30 July 2014 at 8:01 am UTC

Getting Valve to change their nomenclature on Steam from PC to Windows would probably be a great start.

Watch The Unreal Tournament Developers Play Team Deathmatch
By Beamboom, 30 July 2014 at 7:27 am UTC Likes: 1

Well yeah we got a few of those, I've tried a couple built on the good old Quake engine. And no disrespect to those projects, but in my humble opinion we really, really need more than that.

So, I'm really excited for this release. For me UT beats COD, Battlefield, Crysis and the likes in sheer plain fun factor. Can't wait to double jump around with my good old flak cannon and shock rifle once again! :)

Two Tribes brand new platform shooter RIVE is coming to Linux
By Beamboom, 30 July 2014 at 7:05 am UTC Likes: 1

I think it's time devs stop calling Windows for "PC". Heck, even Macs are based on the same architecture today.

Watch The Unreal Tournament Developers Play Team Deathmatch
By Liam Dawe, 30 July 2014 at 7:00 am UTC

I was meaning more towards the open source shooters of which we have a fair few.

Watch The Unreal Tournament Developers Play Team Deathmatch
By Beamboom, 30 July 2014 at 6:58 am UTC

Do we really have a lot of *good* fast paced shooters on Linux? Modern, top tier multiplayer shooters?

I can't from the top of my head recall a single one right now, not if we define "good" as a modern game with a metascore of at least 80 and released within the last 4-5 years or so...?

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Imants, 30 July 2014 at 6:51 am UTC

Quoting: Hamish
Quoting: ImantsOne year and it is history. You can't expect to sell well game which comes out this late and was in so many steam sales alredy.
And yet I just recently played a native port of LIMBO made four years after the original Windows release and three years after its initial Linux release as a Crossover wrapper.

If an independent studio can manage it, why can't Firefly? I do not see the need to handhold developers closer to AAA but then turn around and see Indies outdoing them.

There are some developers who care abbout theyr name and will try to deliver decent port just for that and those who only wants to earn something. You canot expect to earn a lot with old games so I think eon is ment for them. I think companyes like feral and aspyre made linux ports for civ5 and xcom not to earn a lot of money but to earn a name for them selvs as excelent companyes securing market for next ports.

Space Pirates and Zombies Now On GOG DRM Free For Linux
By Caldazar, 30 July 2014 at 6:29 am UTC

Here's the problem GoG will have for some time to come: I already have every game I like in their Linux catalog.

SPAZ was on Linux from the beginning. Whatever wisdom lead GoG to not offer it for Linux from the beginning, now with me, they're in a worse position than a Mee-Too-Company.
As Chris from LAS put it: "Well, yes, meh, welcome to the party!".

I hope they are able to change that image somehow.

Pulstar Twin Stick Shooter Released On Steam For Linux
By Beamboom, 30 July 2014 at 6:09 am UTC

I think it's fair to add a comment about the quality of this game. It's got a metascore of less than 40, with reviewers saying that there's essentially three kind of enemies repeatedly attacking - and that's it. Period. You see the entire game in the trailer.

(main source: )

Sounds like another mobile phone port but it seems it's just released for PC. Either way, I think it's fair with a warning. I for one won't support these kind of releases despite them supporting Linux.

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Hamish, 30 July 2014 at 5:37 am UTC

Quoting: ImantsOne year and it is history. You can't expect to sell well game which comes out this late and was in so many steam sales alredy.

And yet I just recently played a native port of LIMBO made four years after the original Windows release and three years after its initial Linux release as a Crossover wrapper.

If an independent studio can manage it, why can't Firefly? I do not see the need to handhold developers closer to AAA but then turn around and see Indies outdoing them.

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By hardpenguin, 30 July 2014 at 5:29 am UTC

Bah, bad game and bad port :/ This one will be NVIDIA-only too?

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Imants, 30 July 2014 at 4:33 am UTC

Quoting: Hamish
Quoting: ImantsNothing wrong too much if it is used for old games as this game.
This game came out initially in 2011 - what is your definition of old?

It certainly does not appear to be the same as mine.

One year and it is history. You can't expect to sell well game which comes out this late and was in so many steam sales alredy.

Only If Free Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By EKRboi, 30 July 2014 at 3:54 am UTC

Quoting: GuestIf by that you mean that there still was some tearing, you should probably use the glx backend. I’m using "--vsync opengl-swc --paint-on-overlay --backend glx --glx-no-stencil".

I tried as you suggested, but I get the same results. I think it is because of my 3 monitors. I'm pretty sure I remember reading that compton can only sync to a single display. Which is why it does make it better and not so torn but in its place I get more of a distortion line about a 1/8-1/4 inch wide where there would be tearing without it. However if I run it on a single monitor @ 1920x1080 it is tear and distortion free. Sorry for the crappy description but its the best I could come up with =D

KSP does the same thing, it's really only noticable in the main menu though when it quickly pans from the kerbalnaut to the busted mun lander.

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Zelox, 30 July 2014 at 12:44 am UTC

ok, I think I can somewhat understand it.
Thanks all :D

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Hamish, 29 July 2014 at 10:52 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: ImantsNothing wrong too much if it is used for old games as this game.

This game came out initially in 2011 - what is your definition of old?

It certainly does not appear to be the same as mine.

Sales Statistics From Developers Part 3
By Hamish, 29 July 2014 at 10:50 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestThat’s obviously a troll…

And I was obviously being sarcastic. At least, I though I was...

Quoting: EKRboiNot too many people, myself included, will wait for a game to release on linux months after initial release when they can play it now in win or wine. If they all could just get on the ball and release all platforms at the same time I'm certain the numbers would be better.

Am I really that strange for only ever hearing about a game when the Linux version comes out?

The fact that I do not even have a Windows install around does help though...

Sales Statistics From Developers Part 3
By EKRboi, 29 July 2014 at 9:33 pm UTC

Like others have said.. releasing the linux version months after the win or win/mac release kills those linux numbers. Not too many people, myself included, will wait for a game to release on linux months after initial release when they can play it now in win or wine. If they all could just get on the ball and release all platforms at the same time I'm certain the numbers would be better.

Only If Free Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By EKRboi, 29 July 2014 at 9:08 pm UTC

I actually tried this out last night. Interesting to say the least. Lika HadBabits said you will need to go into ~/.config/unity3d/Creability/Only If/prefs and change <pref name="Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode" type="int">1</pref> to <pref name="Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode" type="int">0</pref>

while it did fix the mouse issues there is still the issue of vsync with unity3d (nvidia + unity = vsync fail) and the tearing was so bad I couldn't play for very long.. using openbox + compton (compton -b --backend xrender --vsync opengl) made it "better" but not enough for me to continue. This is a problem with Unity3d though and not this particular "game". Kerbal Space Program (also unity) gives me the same troubles, though it's a fairly slow moving game so with the aid of compton tearing is hardly an issue. Maybe one day Unity will fix their broken vsync and AA.

Only If Free Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By HadBabits, 29 July 2014 at 8:42 pm UTC

Played a bit, can't say I was impressed; after watching more via playthrough I was even less so. The dev seemed to be going for a weird experimental kind-a-thing, which I have no problem with. However, my experience mainly consisted of a very silly voice actor yelling at me over disconnected narrative. Maybe if the execution was better this would've been interesting, but if you miss the mark it just feels like you're playing gibberish: Can't recommend.

Quoting: GuestIt’s totally unplayable for the moment due to mouse issues and other things.

You can get into the config file and change fullscreen value to 0; but I don't think it's worth the effort, personally.

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Xzyl, 29 July 2014 at 7:23 pm UTC

"...Stronghold 3 Gold was heaving to Linux.... " Heaving has a nice ring to it.

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Imants, 29 July 2014 at 6:33 pm UTC

Quoting: ZeloxMy I ask, what so bad with Eon port, and what does that really mean for the games?

Nothing wrong too much if it is used for old games as this game. Because there aren't too many companies which would do a native port like feral or Aspyre and eon port should cost much more cheaper. As stronghold 3 is not so graphics intensive as Witcher 2 and eon is starting to mature I do not think it will have so many problems as Witcher 2 had at the lunch. I think we will see many eon ports in the future for old games but I hope no eon port for new ones.

Stronghold 3 Gold Looks Closer To A Linux Version
By Zelox, 29 July 2014 at 6:06 pm UTC

My I ask, what so bad with Eon port, and what does that really mean for the games?

Age Of Wonders III Blog Update On Linux Support
By oldrocker99, 29 July 2014 at 3:15 pm UTC

As an old fan of AOW, this is wonderful news. I am a die-hard turn-based strategy gamer (although I certainly play other genres) and it's SO good to have more than the excellent Battle for Wesnoth to play!

Only If Free Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By Xpander, 29 July 2014 at 2:22 pm UTC

Gameplay Video:
View video on

also some users might need to check this to get the conf file and workaround mouse issues:

Sales Statistics From Developers Part 3
By mrpoundsign, 29 July 2014 at 2:19 pm UTC

Oh yeah and often the linux version isn't available until after sales are over or near-over. So are the percentages in dollars or units?

The other thing that skews stats is people like me who will buy a game on win, with the promise of a linux version, and play it initially on windows until the linux version is out; Then I will play exclusively on linux. I don't do this any more, as I have been burned a few times now (usually due to owning 2 monitors). My wintendo is much less capable, so I much prefer native linux.