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Latest Comments by Avehicle7887
The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut to be launched August 27
11 July 2019 at 6:27 pm UTC

Exciting release and release date is not too far either. Hopefully no launch issues.

Surprise - Supraland for Linux is now available on GOG
11 July 2019 at 6:22 pm UTC Likes: 3

I noticed the addition of the Linux version earlier today at work. The dev may not have started with the right foot with GOG users, but what matters is that he changed his mind and released it, to a certain point it's more than some other devs do/did with their Linux releases.

TLDR - Bought the game, he deserves the support.

Seems that the Linux version of Supraland will not be heading to GOG (updated)
9 July 2019 at 10:47 pm UTC Likes: 2

If I understand his comments correctly, it seems he's not even sure if the Linux version will stay on Steam either due to the port's performance, furthermore it seems the Windows version performs better with Wine/Proton/DXVK than the native one does.

Steam's top releases of May show why Steam Play is needed for Linux
28 June 2019 at 5:06 pm UTC Likes: 2

The situation with Wine has always been 2 sided, it is both beneficial and damaging to Linux, which in many cases has been the former. While Steam Play/Wine helps users switch to Linux without sacrificing their favorite games, meanwhile from the devs end, they get to piggyback and profit from a platform they don't support.

In all fairness, I can sympathize with small companies where they lack the resources or the experience for Linux and Wine becomes the better than nothing solution. The large companies on the other hand, they have the funds but don't want to invest in Linux and id Software is a prime example of this.

An interview with Bearded Giant Games about Linux, development and their game Space Mercs
27 June 2019 at 7:26 pm UTC Likes: 2

What a great review and a great guy, his story about Ubuntu 6.04 and the whole non pirated Windows part is a bit similar to why I always loved Linux, mine started a bit before Ubuntu and back then I always thought of the day I could use an open source OS where you don't have to activate anything, where viruses and security aren't present at every corner, where you are in control. It was a long journey, but that dream came true.

"Limits breed creativity" - Such a true statement, I often play on a very low end laptop at work as such I don't have the luxury of my gaming rig during lunch breaks, that didn't stop me from trying a few new things, things that otherwise I wouldn't do while at home.

As for this game, I hope it comes to GOG as I would love to buy it.

What are you playing this weekend and what do you think about it? It's mostly Dota Underlords for me
22 June 2019 at 10:31 pm UTC

Delving deep in Legend of Grimrock 2, I love the exploration and the puzzles.

Valve looking to drop support for Ubuntu 19.10 and up due to Canonical's 32bit decision (updated)
22 June 2019 at 12:12 pm UTC

Canonical should know better than to drop 32bit entirely. Ubuntu and derivatives such as Mint are home to many Linux gamers and at some point most (if not all) these users play a 32bit game.

SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech can now be picked up DRM-free on GOG
17 June 2019 at 9:36 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: scaineI really need to update to 18.04 so I can play this. LOVE this developer. And this looks just awesome.

Not necessarily, I've been able to launch it on Debian 9 which has dinosaur software versions. Basically the game requires GLIBC 2.27 minimum. Try this: (it's a collection of GLIBC 2.29 libraries built on Debian 9 but should be usable on older systems too).

Installation is simple, extract it in the game's folder where the "Quest" exe is and run The package is portable and designed to work only with the game, won't interfere with the system.

Let me know if you get stuck, will do my best to help :)

SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech can now be picked up DRM-free on GOG
17 June 2019 at 5:06 pm UTC Likes: 2

Bought as well, these devs always supported Linux well :)

DXVK 1.2.2 released with performance improvements and bug fixes
15 June 2019 at 9:21 pm UTC Likes: 3

Another fine release, less overhead is always welcome no matter how small. Thanks to DXVK I'm able to play a few more games on my low end laptop.

@YoRHa-2B - Thank you for your work Philip.