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Latest Comments by linuxjacques
2Dark released without a Linux version despite promising it during crowdfunding
13 March 2017 at 5:57 pm UTC Likes: 1

As long as there are no penalties (and only rewards) for blatant lying on crowdfunding, this will continue.

Simple game theory, I'm sorry to say, as character and honor do not enter into it.

HITMAN released for Linux, initial port report and two gameplay videos
16 February 2017 at 6:33 pm UTC

Heh, I just posted almost exactly same thing :-) but in the old thread :-\

HITMAN for Linux officially announced, port by Feral Interactive and arriving this month
16 February 2017 at 6:29 pm UTC Likes: 1

It's showing linux support on steam now!

edit: oh and it's 50% off

edit 2: and I just bought it.

Diluvion, a deep-sea exploration game with RPG elements may be coming to Linux
14 February 2017 at 9:37 pm UTC

I would buy it. It seems right up my alley.

edit: and I remember Sub Culture! I loved that game.