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Steam for Linux can now run games in a special container
10 November 2019 at 11:43 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: pb> allow you to isolate your Home folder

I hope it will finally allow users on SteamOS have separate game/achievement progress even if the game saves it to $HOME instead of e.g. steam cloud. Also good for the sake of keeping $HOME tidy, although that I've already accomplished by other means (`HOME=~/saves steam`).


How come I've never thought about such a simple solution to keeping games from cluttering up my home? Any gotchas you've found with that solution so far?

Steam for Linux can now run games in a special container
10 November 2019 at 11:41 pm UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: Schattenspiegel
Quoting: vildravnCould this be another hint towards the rumoured cloud service?
I'd assume it is more a let's-kill-32-bit (see e.g. ubuntu) fail-safe. Thoughts?

Reading the announcement it seems likely that you are spot-on.

Also likely to try and deal with games that have peculiar dependencies that they did not consider bundling with the game and breaks on newer version of libs etc.

Vertebreaker, a new pixel-art side-scroller from former Sonic Mania developer Headcannon
5 November 2019 at 7:41 pm UTC Likes: 1

That music though!

This immediately hit my to-watch list.

Józef Kucia, Wine developer and founder of Vkd3d has passed away
10 September 2019 at 7:45 pm UTC Likes: 1

Having made such contributions by the mere age of 28 is inspiring. May you rest in peace, Józef.

My condolences to those that knew him.

Secret Government, a grand strategy game about leading a secret society will be on Linux
2 August 2019 at 5:14 pm UTC

Well, well, well. This looks like it might be fun. ^_^

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Steam has a sale on
20 July 2019 at 2:23 am UTC

Quoting: chancho_zombieBut still that doesn't change my overall negative opinion on the soviets, on latin america they brought us the guerrilla, and funded the Cubans, and the Cuban militias trained local guerrillas like the ones we had here (montoneros), so I have a very negative opinion on the soviets.
(Sorry if I'm being off-topic)

Don't tell the CIA. I'm pretty sure they don't want the "Reds" to get all the credit for the mess in central/southern America.

What are you clicking on this weekend? Let us know your current favourites
1 June 2019 at 4:52 pm UTC Likes: 3

Probably gonna do a last push in Path of Exile with my brother before the current league ends next week. Also been itching to play my NES again, so might have to plug that in and enjoy some classics of the 8-bit era.

Quoting: riusmaTo the Moon, the game was sitting in my library since December 2016 so I think it's more than time to have a look at it! Not bad so far (about 1 hour in it), sad story with an old console era vibe for the graphics and gameplay! :|
A rare member of the "favourites" category in my Steam library. If you enjoy the style I can warmly recommend Rakuen.

Nightdive Studio's latest revamp with Blood: Fresh Supply is coming to Linux
10 May 2019 at 11:57 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: crt0mega
Quoting: CalebI live... again.
Can't wait to hear that again :D

A line that has been etched into my mind!
Sadly not a whole lot of people get the reference. :|

Game launcher Lutris has another release out, adding a little spit and polish
9 April 2019 at 8:41 pm UTC

Quoting: Whitewolfe80
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: GuestArgh, still needs gnomedesktop as a dependency. As much as I want to try lutris, until that's no longer the case then I simply can't use it. Ah well, still a nice project anyway.

But it's just the library, not the whole desktop, I think? Like a single .so file?

It's a python binding, that pulls in some other things, that ends up pulling in most of the desktop support libraries, and at least for me wants to then include Ruby as well. Most of it is probably there for Debian based distros. I'm just grumbling.

I mean its one guy and his reasons for preferring python are long but if you tune into the linux game cast you ll find him happy to take feedback hes always in the chat there under the handle Stycore

Well, that seems to depend on the feedback. For instance, not so much the discussion surrounding CSD:

Valve show off their new Steam Library design and a new Events page
21 March 2019 at 11:58 pm UTC

Looks mostly neat. The advanced sorting options and collections looks brilliant, been wanting that for ages, bonus if they act as dynamic playlists in many audio players do and auto-magically add new titles that fit the criteria. Especially if you can do really crazy things like "show me co-op games both me and my brother owns that we haven't played in 1+ years", now that would be both crazy and awesome! (and yeah, I don't expect it to be that powerful, but let a man dream)

But, again with the padding, why this weird padding everywhere? A couple of pixels, certainly, but ~1em padding? I get it on buttons but I don't get it on labels? Seems a bit excessive and takes away from the visual distinction between the two. :S: