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Steam's top releases of May show why Steam Play is needed for Linux
3 July 2019 at 7:17 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: SalvatosNo one here is saying we don't want native games or don't appreciate those publishers, but the bigger the company, the more likely it is to disregard considerations other than profit, and it would be lunacy to expect all of them to operate on virtue and principle.

Sure, I don't expect the likes of EA to operate any different from how they do. That wasn't my point. My point is that it's not required for gaming companies to operate that way and be a successful business, and positive examples demonstrate it. But surely we can't expect everyone to behave like better, and more forward looking publishers who support Linux.

Valve are asking for help testing "ACO", a new Mesa shader compiler for AMD graphics
3 July 2019 at 6:34 pm UTC Likes: 8

Quoting: mphuZGod damn, why?

Did you read their post. They answer this question.

Valve are asking for help testing "ACO", a new Mesa shader compiler for AMD graphics
3 July 2019 at 6:34 pm UTC Likes: 2

Opened a thread here to separate discussion of the announcement from the actual benchmarks:

Valve are asking for help testing "ACO", a new Mesa shader compiler for AMD graphics
3 July 2019 at 6:31 pm UTC Likes: 1

Very promising. I'll test it and will post some benchmarks. May be there should be a dedicated thread on GOL forum just for that? Or should we post them in comments here?

Steam's top releases of May show why Steam Play is needed for Linux
3 July 2019 at 6:04 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: BeamboomYou obviously do not run a business.

Those who release Linux games do. And they are not greedy, as publishers who use the logic you described in order not to release for Linux. You can claim they don't know how to run business, and what not. But I'd rather welcome their attitude towards Linux community, instead of whitewashing the greed of legacy publishers who have more than enough money to make Linux games (and even make a profit), but don't.

Steam's top releases of May show why Steam Play is needed for Linux
3 July 2019 at 4:19 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: RCLI dunno how you measure that...

Perhaps in absolute numbers of games currently runnable on Linux there's a change. Percentage-wise and attitude-wise, it feels the same. Similar technical problems, similar support issues, similar lack of market forces, similar market share.

You can measure the progress using these metrics:

1. Maturity and competitiveness of technology that underpins Linux gaming. That's a hard must for anything else to even be an option.
2. Number of Linux gamers.
3. Number of Linux games coming out.
4. Number of developers making Linux games.

I see improvement on all of them, especially in the recent years. If you measure things using "when will Linux replace Windows for the masses", you won't see big change, because MS remains a stinking monopoly that is hard to dislodge. But it's in no way equal to lack of progress in Linux gaming in general, like the metrics above.

Steam's top releases of May show why Steam Play is needed for Linux
3 July 2019 at 3:48 pm UTC

Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: RCLLinux gaming squarely is in the same place when it was in 1999
Well that's obviously not true.

Indeed, that statement is completely false. Linux gaming has progressed a lot.

Steam's top releases of May show why Steam Play is needed for Linux
3 July 2019 at 3:19 pm UTC Likes: 1

Who said art is not a hard work? Games themselves are art. Making them is technical sure, and it's not easy. But if it's profitable, it's not a philanthropy. We aren't talking about free work here.

Steam's top releases of May show why Steam Play is needed for Linux
3 July 2019 at 2:01 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: BeamboomAnd it's not about greed. It's about making sensible decisions. Even the most credible artist want to survive and live on their art. And to survive you need to run a healthy business. Ideology is what you can afford when your business is doing good.

Not supporting Linux when it's profitable, while arguing that doing Windows only games is more profitable, is totally about greed, not about sensible decisions and healthy business.

How well artists survive such greed, you should know too. EA for example swallowed countless studios, which disappeared into oblivion in result. See below.

Quoting: BeamboomGaming is business. A major player in the entertainment industry, an industry with millions of artists doing fantastic work, from musicians to actors, 3D artists, makeup artists, game designers, composers, painters, map designers, you name it. Art and business can easily go hand in hand, in many cases great art is also good business.

They can, if art part is important. But if greed is the driver, you get EA and other similar crooked legacy publishers, who produce mass market junk and not masterpieces, since it makes more money. With some DRM for the good measure, and naturally no Linux support.

Extreme space shooter "Space Mercs" looks pretty incredible in the latest footage
3 July 2019 at 1:58 pm UTC Likes: 2

Looks very impressive! I hope they'll release on GOG as well.