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Latest Comments by abelthorne
The Talos Principle going Fusion, Croteam dropping OpenGL & Serious Sam 4 still coming
5 January 2018 at 6:49 pm UTC

Does it mean that The Talos Principle will stop working on some hardware?

I have a RadeonHD 7770 and use Mesa (17.3.1). I know that AMDGPU-PRO doesn't handle my GPU and I'm not sure if Mesa handles Vulkan (at all or depending of the GPU model). Any info about this?

Speculation: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might be getting a PUBG-like mode
2 January 2018 at 2:42 pm UTC

Quoting: fjorgemotaIt's normal, as the game was not ported for the engine yet (I expected this to happen yet in 2017, but probably it will be finished in Q1 2018). =P
Yeah, I meant I forgot that Source 2 was a thing at all, as after being loudly announced for Dota 2, it kind of fell into oblivion. :D

AFAIK −and besides the CS:GO port that has yet to come− there hasn't been other games apart from Dota 2 that use it, right?

(But I'm sure it will be a great engine for HL3 when it comes out in 2091, just after the release of Star Citizen.)

Speculation: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might be getting a PUBG-like mode
31 December 2017 at 7:50 pm UTC

Quoting: fjorgemotaWell.

I personally think that Valve will release a PUBG-like mode in Counter Strike Global Offensive as the video and the article shows. But it will not release it while using a engine like Source. That's because Source only supports maps with only 832 meters (source here, while Source 2 can manage maps a bit larger because it have support for 64 bit (which allow for really larger maps according to some unofficial calculation AND level streaming, so there's no loading time between the levels in Source 2. Plus, it's already possible to already create large maps in Source 2 using Hammer (a tool for creation of maps in Dota 2), like this video shows: View video on

As for the number of players, Source already supports something like 255 players, while gamers itself support far less players than that number, like Valve itself documents in it's wiki. I do not have any information, however, about how Source 2 changes that number...But I expect a large increase in that number!

And if you're asking "hey, but wtf Source 2 has to do with CS:GO?". Valve apparently announced that CS:GO will be ported to Source 2 soon.

Well, with these changes I really think that CS:GO will be able to support a PUBG-like mode. What do you think?

[users-only]PS: Sorry for the big number of links here. I'm a bit hyped about that topic. =)[/users-only]
Thanks, these are interesting numbers. I completely forgot about the existence of Source 2.

Speculation: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might be getting a PUBG-like mode
27 December 2017 at 11:02 am UTC

Quoting: devnullA CS port/mod would be interesting, the engine certainly has some benefits like cross platform support -- and doesn't use BattleEye. There's a big difference in scale and play style though. Valve still prefers 24 player max for even TF2. BR is fun, in part due to the higher user counts. To be fair, it's not the only platform with such problems. Playing in an instance is not the same experience as a real, large world. And while some maps have breakable objects they are largely static in CS. There are larger maps like cs_blackhawk that would be interesting sandboxes though.

Bigger question is will the engine support it. Think it's kinda sad to see people like Lirik or Summit play on hardware largely out of reach to most, yet can't hold 120fps in games. It's not their fault.
That's what I was asking earlier but I think my question was overlooked: I didn't think about the number of player but just for the maps, is the Source engine technically able to handle huge ones? All Source games I know of have small maps (e.g. Team Fortress 2, Dota 2...) or bigger ones but divided in chunks/levels with loading time between them (e.g. Half-Life 2, Portal 2...) and I'm not sure if it's because of game design or limitations of the engine. I'm wondering if the engine would be able to handle a game mode similar to PUBG at all or if it's simply unfit for this.

If Valve have plans to make a PUBG-like but with only ~30 players and on maps the size of a small village, it'll fail.

Speculation: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might be getting a PUBG-like mode
19 December 2017 at 10:54 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: EikeWolfenstein 3D was there, and known well enough to earn the new releases. But of course, Doom was bigger.
Ha! id Software were mere copycats of MIDI Maze ( with their unoriginal Wolfenstein 3D! I haven't heard the developers of MIDI Maze whine at the time, though.

Speculation: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might be getting a PUBG-like mode
18 December 2017 at 2:37 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Eike
Quoting: GuestSo....deathmatch on an initially large map. Meh.

I think an important part is the shrinking sphere inflicting damage. It all boils down to a small part of the map (the place of which is not initially known) - and even down to zero if nothing happens for some minutes in the minimal space.
And the survival aspect overall: unlike a classic deathmatch game like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament, you don't respawn in PUBG; when you die, it's over. So, there's more tension, more stress, more strategy, more skill involved. And more luck, unfortunately.

Speculation: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might be getting a PUBG-like mode
18 December 2017 at 2:12 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: LeopardWhat about H1Z1 King of the kill , Arma 3 Battle Royale mode?
They were standing there long before of PUBG.
Well, Brendan Greene (PlayerUnknown) was also the creator of Battle Royale mods for DayZ and Arma 2 (then ported to Arma 3). H1Z1 King of the Kill came out after his mods became popular. So, one could argue that he created that kind of gameplay, PUBG being the professional version of his previous attempts as a modder.

But in any case, a game concept can't be copyrighted. He can complain as much as he wants on this, he's basically yelling at clouds. (*insert Simpsons reference here*)

Speculation: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might be getting a PUBG-like mode
18 December 2017 at 1:45 pm UTC

That would be cool but is the Source engine able to handle huge maps like the ones in PUBG or Fortnite?

Quoting: GuestI've seen the name about, but have no idea what this pubg thing is. That's probably a comment about complete lack of interest if it's not available on GNU/Linux.
PUBG (PlayerUnknown's BattleGround − "PlayerUnknown" being the nickname of the creator of the game) is a shooter that takes its concept from the Battle Royale movie: 100 players are dropped on a big island and the last one alive wins the game. They start without any equipment and have to loot the place to find weapons, armors and health kits. To ensure that the game doesn't last forever, there is a safe zone that stretches in over time: if you're out of the zone, you start to take damage, so the survivors are forced to gather at the same spot and eventually confront the others unless there is only one standing.

GZDoom 3.2.3 released with improved Mesa driver support and more
13 December 2017 at 9:47 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: darkszlufi'm on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 indeed.
Ok, that's why it works for you. The issue seems to appear only from Ubuntu 17.04. There's a bug report on their forum (

GZDoom 3.2.3 released with improved Mesa driver support and more
7 December 2017 at 9:35 pm UTC

Quoting: darkszluf
Quoting: abelthorneUnfortunately, the launcher (to select a WAD to run) is still broken on Ubuntu.
it works fine for me too.
Mmm, that's weird. If I just run gzdoom in a terminal, I get a coredump. It starts fine only if I use the -iwad option (as it bypasses the launcher). Last time I checked, the issue was reported on their forum and related to some Gtk libs.

Using Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (already had the issue in 17.04), are you on 17.10 too or older?