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Fancy winning a game of your choice?!

By - | Views: 23,112
Okay it's time for the December competition, even though the last one was a flop i have decided to give competitions another go!

I asked on reddit earlier what games people are interested in and it gave me an idea - since no one can ever agree on the same thing - you win what you want!

What exactly do i win?
Your game choice! Up to a maximum of $25, you can have as many games as you want, as long as the total doesn't go over $25 (so a few indie games or one big indie game...again your choice!).

Or if you are a fan of open source games, I will donate $25 to your project of choice.

How do i enter?
Well some of you may have noticed our logo changes between two different versions, one with a gamepad/mouse and one done by our Rustybolts with space invaders. I would like more!
(The two we normally use)

To make it even simpler you don't need to make it exactly how the current two are, as long as it fits in with the websites colour scheme you are good to go! Just make sure you don't go much bigger than the current size!

So make yourself known on the GOL Forum and post your entries in a reply/comment to this thread!

Only one entry per person (multiple signups can be tracked and will be banned from this competition once found...come on people it's for fun no cheating!).

How long do i have?
You have until the 19th of December (the day after my payday!). Article taken from
Tags: Misc
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
See more from me
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Liam Dawe Dec 11, 2010
Quoting: "BarnD, post: 919"Well yeah, but would you actually use it if it was anygood?

If it is better than what we have, for sure.
TheAncientGoat Jan 8, 2011
Anything happen regarding this?
Liam Dawe Jan 8, 2011
Well me and Rusty have been talking it over (don't worry it hasn't been forgotten) been a bit unsure as of what to do since there was only 2 people who actually entered, out of those two you are the winner anyway.

PM me once you decide what you would like to receive and i will sort it out for you.

Consider this competition a well overdue closed!
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