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Humble Indie Bundle 2

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The second Humble Indie Bundle is here!! A pay what you want bundle with as much of the proceeds as you decide going to charity.

What games are in the bundle?- Braid, Osmos, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Revenge of the Titans

QuotePay what you want. If you bought these five games separately, it would cost around $85 but we're letting you set the price!

All of the games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

We don't use DRM. When you buy these games, they are yours. Feel free to play them without an internet connection, back them up, and install them on all of your Macs and PCs freely. There is no time-limit on your downloads.

You can support charity. Choose exactly how your purchase money is divided: Between the game developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, or the Child's Play Charity. Also, if you like this deal, a tip to the Humble Bundle itself would be much appreciated!

QuotePlease note, Cortex Command and Revenge of the Titans are still under active development. You are eligible for all future updates! The bundle makes a great holiday gift that will keep improving over time.

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Rustybolts Dec 15, 2010
Cortex Command - apareently the 32bit version works on 64bit (yet to try)
For Braid this fix located [URL='']here[/URL] comment 13. (tested and works for me)
Quote> I did some Googling, and apparently GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc is disabled
> on the open source drivers because it is covered by a patent and requires a
> licence.
> But if you live in a country were the patent doesn't apply you can enable it
> using driconf (apt-get install driconf) under the Image Quality tab.

Thank you Scott! I just want to confirm that this was indeed the issue. I've
enabled the option in driconf and now Braid runs flawlessly. I've given this
solution to others in ubuntu forums and blogged about it (giving you credit for
the solution) so it doesn't get burried here.
I hope they will eventually release an update that uses an alternate
compression for the textures instead of this patented algorithm.

Hamish Dec 15, 2010
I see no reason why Braid would need to use S3TC, it is just a 2D platform game after all. For those of you who do not know the history, that particular patent on S3TC texture compression has been a thorn in the side of the free graphics developers for years. Hopefully the developer will smarten up and switch to something a bit more free, or maybe Ryan could make an alternative just for the Linux port. Though it is somewhat ironic that I am evangelizing a change for the benefit of the free drivers while writing from my Fedora 14 system running Catalyst 10.12... :p

Still, what GPU are you currently using then Rusty, still stuck on an Intel?
Hamish Dec 15, 2010
Here you are folks, straight from the horses mouth:

QuoteMost people that are hitting this have s3tc support disabled in their video drivers, which means they can't run most modern video games. Use driconf to turn it on, I've been told.

Most of the other problems seem to be video drivers that fail on Braid's shaders. I think we'll shake these issues out over time, but I suppose the bulk of that work falls on the backs of the driver teams.

I don't know what anything but Braid is doing for installation, but I just installed it to "/home/icculus/Braid With Spaces" and it installed, ran, and uninstalled just fine.

If you're having an install failure with MojoSetup, though, please email me and we'll figure out what's going wrong: [email protected]

Liam Dawe Dec 17, 2010
Just got myself a copy of the bundle, be sure to follow them on twitter for updates guys!/humble
Hamish Dec 19, 2010
Well, they have reached over $1 Million USD now. Also, Braid got an update today:

Changes since original build:
- Added support for systems without S3TC support.
- Added support for PowerPC and 64-bit Intel Macs.
- Added support for amd64 Linux systems.
- Possibly fixed never-ending black screen that some Mac players experienced.
- Now attempts to choose correct language at startup, if a translation is available, on both Mac and Linux.
- Added notes on useful command line options to Linux README.

Notice anything in particular there? :D
MaximB Dec 19, 2010
Although I own most of the games I've donated $10 for the Bundle.
Sispuptuccite Mar 29, 2011
breakouts after accutane rnbuy accutane rnaccutane after before
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