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Win a full giftable copy of Humble Indie Bundle 4

By - | Views: 14,063
So folks it's that time again, you can bag yourself a full giftable copy of the Humble Indie Bundle 4 to keep for yourself or send onto a friend or whoever.

So what do you mean by full giftable copy?
By full i mean full, it was paid over the average to unlock everything from the last bundle. So you get access to;

Gratuitous Space Battles
Cave Story+
Bit.Trip Runner
Super Meat Boy
NightSky HD

Also the HIB3 games are included as well as i said, everything is unlocked, so add to the above list;
Crayon Physics Deluxe
And Yet It Moves

On top of that you get access to all the soundtracks too!!

So...How do I win it?
The solution is simple, post the funniest linux related image you know about, the funniest as judged by me will win. One entry per person.

README - Unless you leave your email or you are logged in, the post will be deleted as I can't do anything without being able to send your prize, be smart.

When does it end?
Time is up on the 28th January 13:00 GMT time. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
See more from me
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Daniel Jan 20, 2012

edit by admin - no second images please
Sorry. My email is [email protected]

Delete the above post.
unhr Jan 20, 2012
Quoting: "Hamish, post: 3179, member: 6"That's not funny, that's just stupid. And tragic. :p

"rm -rf /" anyone? ;)

It's a tragedy when it happens to you. It's a comedy when it happens to some one else.
eviL Jan 27, 2012
Here it is!

Eventhough it says Unix I hope its valid :)
(My other choice was from the same comic with the gradma sending the "Linux Rules" e-mail but they were 2 comics so...)
Eddward Jan 28, 2012
avarisclari Jan 28, 2012
charlespoetwolf (at) gmail (dot) com (did it that way to avoid spam bots that find emails haha)

Atron Jan 28, 2012
Hope I'm not too late!

My email is topmaster360(at)gmail(dot)com

Da_Blop Jan 28, 2012
Hello, here is my contribution. (maybe a bit off-topic)
Life would be easier for this poor bart if he knew Bashscripting :).


Shame on me, i'm not from this forum.
Well, i'll do like my comrades top, you can still contact me at -mail removed-
Liam Dawe Jan 28, 2012
Sorry blop as per the post the competition finished at 1PM.

Thanks to all who entered winner will be announced shortly.
Da_Blop Jan 28, 2012
Haha, nothing's too late...
...untill it's not the time anymore

Next time i'll take a dimensional wormhole and i'll screw you all ! you timed jerk !

By the way, and if it's not asking too much, could you, as a 'god' ( :) ) remove my mail adress from my post ? I would dislike being spamed from a botnet who detects pipes.

thank you, and long live for your community.
Liam Dawe Jan 29, 2012
Next time just pay attention to the post ;) and you wont get dissapointed...
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