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Hostile Takeover updates

By - | Views: 5,796
Another on my "you should really be watching this" list is Hostile Takeover by Laserbrain Studios has had some more screen shots and videos released since I last posted about it, so it's time to take a look!

New screen shots showing off a new lighting system inspired by the Project Zomboid guys (I will also post about their updates tomorrow!).
Before and after shots of the new system;
QuoteMy method still retains some of the per tile lighting, which I kinda like. It’s sort of halfway between the old X-COM hard lighting and the completely smooth lighting of Project Zomboid. I’m adding a toggle to the options menu to turn smooth lighting off if you prefer the old school hard edges.

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New stuff in this video:
      Wall decorations
      Some more art assets
      Light sources can now be added/edited in the map editor
      Light sources can also be “baked” into the map to avoid having to calculate shadow casting for static light sources
      Added the Remote Trigger
      Integrated some more of the scripting language so that light sources and elevators can be toggled off/on
      Added a briefcase with money to your inventory showing how much cash you’ve got

They are currently working on female characters and NPC AI so there is still lots more to come!

QuotePresented in a third-person isometric perspective, Hostile Takeover will be a throwback to classics like Fallout, X-COM and Syndicate. You will control your character in a real-time environment, sneaking around corporate buildings and avoiding security guards before dealing a final deadly blow to your target. As you progress through the game, new equipment will be purchasable for the money you make.
Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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nadeem 13 years Mar 10, 2012
it looks so cool
anonymous Mar 11, 2012
Vessel is in Humble store and I think is coming to Linux:

Eddward Mar 13, 2012
Quoting: "anonymous, post: 3691"Vessel is in Humble store and I think is coming to Linux:

Well, I did a little looking. The game looks interesting, but what make you think it's coming to Linux? Just that they sell through Humble Store?
Liam Dawe Mar 17, 2012
Quoting: "anonymous, post: 3691"Vessel is in Humble store and I think is coming to Linux:


Quoting: "Eddward, post: 3706, member: 78"Well, I did a little looking. The game looks interesting, but what make you think it's coming to Linux? Just that they sell through Humble Store?

I have contacted them to find out for us.
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