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Nuclear Dawn Will Come To Linux After All, Thanks To Valve

By - | Views: 28,573
Valve sent a message to the Nuclear Dawn team to let them know they will work with them to enable them to support Linux, good guy Valve.

Speaking on their forum a developer posted this:
MichielWe just got a reply from Valve concerning this and I thought of sharing it with you all:

We are working on a solution to provide the InterWave team with a build of the engine that contains the Linux code so they can release a Linux version on the game Nuclear Dawn.  Linux is an important platform for Valve and we want as many game supporting it as possible.

- Valve

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Nuclear Dawn is the first game to offer a full FPS and RTS experience, within a single gameplay model, without crippling or diluting either side of the game.

  • Two factions: The Empire and the Consortium have completely separate base-building paradigms.
  • RTS commander: Produce structures, research advanced technologies, unleash devastating strikes on the enemy, and lead your team to victory as a RTS commander.
  • Four classes: Each faction has four classes with various kit load outs, totalling over three dozen weapons.
  • Squad up: Squad-based 32 player full warfare battle mode.
  • Six maps: Travel across the largest, most detailed maps built in Source multiplayer to date.
  • Advanced Weaponry: As a commander, judiciously dispense healing to your troops, and death to their enemies, by managing your advanced abilities.
  • Stats and Unlocks: 60 ranks, 12 unlocks for each weapon, achievements, gizmos and more.
  • SDK: Nuclear Dawn Software Development Kit will be available for the community to be able to create custom maps, etc.
  • Source Powered: Based on the L4D2 engine and modified to bring you the ultimate online battle experience.
  • Steam Play - Windows, Mac, Linux

This is very welcome news and pleasing to see Valve accommodate developers on Linux, especially good to see Valve saying to developers that Linux is important, that's awesome.

Sidenote: It's very sad to see "gutigen" attack the developers, the same guy who repeatedly tries to troll and swear at me on reddit, make sure the rest of you are better than that, support developers and don't attack them....or me, just buy me cake, i like cake.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Qantourisc Sep 10, 2013
But since I it's a company I can't keep wondering what's their angle? Probably their own console, but what will happen if it fails ?
Sorry for mistrusting them, but I learned the hard way you can only trust companies as far as you can throw them ...
scaine Sep 10, 2013
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Quoting: CheesenessI'm super proud to have played a role in this (even if it was only as a messenger) and I can't wait to play ND with you all at some stage in the future :D

Yep, awesome work, Cheese. I'd never have even thought to put these two in touch so directly. You kind of assume that that level of communication is already taking place!
Liam Dawe Sep 10, 2013
Someone needs to do this for the insurgency developers to get Valve to give them the code they need from CS:GO too ;)
Anonymous Sep 10, 2013
Quoting: liamdaweSomeone needs to do this for the insurgency developers to get Valve to give them the code they need from CS:GO too ;)
^ exactly that.
Liam Dawe Sep 10, 2013
Quoting: Anonymous
Quoting: Quote from liamdaweSomeone needs to do this for the insurgency developers to get Valve to give them the code they need from CS:GO too ;)
^ exactly that.
That was a hint for Cheese and his contacts ;)
Cheeseness Sep 10, 2013
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Quote from CheesenessI'm super proud to have played a role in this (even if it was only as a messenger) and I can't wait to play ND with you all at some stage in the future :D
Yep, awesome work, Cheese. I'd never have even thought to put these two in touch so directly. You kind of assume that that level of communication is already taking place!
I had the opportunity to nudge somebody from Valve and ask what they thought the situation should be so far as availability of Linux resources for Source goes, and it didn't quite match the impression that InterWave seemed to have. I certainly don't want to be pointing blame at anybody - I'm just glad that it sounds like things are starting to get cleared up.

Quoting: liamdaweSomeone needs to do this for the insurgency developers to get Valve to give them the code they need from CS:GO too ;)
Would be worth waiting until after CS: GO launches on Linux.
scaine Sep 10, 2013
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I appreciate that this is Valve we're talking about, but has there ever been an indication made public about the availability of CS:GO or Portal 2? I'm gagging to play Portal 2 again... :)
richie442 Sep 10, 2013
Quoting: scaineI appreciate that this is Valve we're talking about, but has there ever been an indication made public about the availability of CS:GO or Portal 2? I'm gagging to play Portal 2 again... :)
CS: GO and Portal 2 are on the list :)
Cheeseness Sep 10, 2013
Quoting: scaineI appreciate that this is Valve we're talking about, but has there ever been an indication made public about the availability of CS:GO or Portal 2? I'm gagging to play Portal 2 again... :)
Not that I've spotted. IIRC, L4D2 and TF2 were the only ones we had prior notice of, so that in itself isn't out of the ordinary.

Personally, I'm hanging out for Alien Swarm :D
Qantourisc Sep 10, 2013
Quoting: scainePortal 2? I'm gagging to play Portal 2 again... :)

When you do, want to be my CO-bot, still have multiplayer to complete :)
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