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Our Game-Play Video Of Strife, A New MOBA From S2 Games In Closed Beta

By - | Views: 23,518
I managed to grab some keys for S2 Games new MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) called 'Strife' which aims to lower the barrier for people to enjoy MOBA games like Dota.

S2 Games are no strangers to Linux or MOBA games, they have worked on Linux games for years and they created Heroes Of Newerth.

Strife is what they are calling a second generation MOBA.

You can see a video below of me battling it out online:

I have to say, I was pretty damn impressed for a game that is still in the early stages.

It does seem a lot friendlier than Dota2 that's for sure, currently you can only talk to the enemy team when the game finishes, making it less hostile right away.

In Strife it seems the only things you use real money for are to buy gems, although that system doesn't seem to be active right now.

I could easily see myself playing this, a lot. Article taken from
Tags: MOBA, Preview, Video
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Xpander Feb 20, 2014
It seems to be Great Game.

What i like the most about it is that it seems to not have such a deep learning curve.
more casual approach. jump in and start doing stuff.. ofc being better than others requires some skill and stuff, but its not that hardcore and thus perfect MOBA game for me who doesnt have much time to learn those more hardcore moba games.

people have ofc different opinions.

made a quick video of it as well (same hero as liamdawe used it seems :) )

i'm not that good in this game though...

View video on
Wotansp Feb 20, 2014
want it! <3
Pic Feb 20, 2014
They should make Savage 3 already.
maokei Feb 20, 2014
Got this game yesterday it's fun as hell, and runs butter smooth!
Damin Feb 20, 2014
I played in Strife from few latest weeks and is preaty cool in Linux. Works out of box in Ubuntu 13.10 and my top systems Linux Mageia 4 x64.
Its very nice game like LoL but strange and diffirent on dota 2 or HoN.
DrMcCoy Feb 20, 2014
For some reason, I got a key for Strife as well. I certainly didn't apply for them and I hadn't even heard about the game before. I also don't care at all about MOBAs. :P

The only reason I can think of why I got a key is because I bought Savage like 10 years ago, and played Savage 2 when it went free.
neorrible Feb 21, 2014
One sold, one left. lol
neorrible Feb 21, 2014
Quoting: neorribleOne sold, one left. lol
No keys left.
mcworox Feb 22, 2014
Guys i can not install this game on linux. Could someone help me?
Liam Dawe Feb 22, 2014
Quoting: mcworoxGuys i can not install this game on linux. Could someone help me?
What have you tried?
What happened?
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