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Planetary Annihilation was already awesome for the sheer scale of the game and the fact that it's on Linux means we finally have a big RTS game. The developers have just released a brand new build containing a single-player mode called "Galactic War".

Galactic War is where you start off with practically no technology and have to go system-by-system finding new tech and have battles with AI commanders. It's an awesome way to do single-player in what is mainly a multiplayer-focused game and it's very welcome.

You can unlock different starting sets for your commanders as you progress too. As each game is different considering the planets are randomly generated and you can pick how big a sector you are in too, but when you add in being able to pick different starting-sets for your commanders that adds another re-playability factor.

You have limited slots for technology too, so if you find a new one and don't have enough slots you may need to have a think on what to keep and what technology to get rid of. It adds another challenge to the game outside of the battles themselves.

See my video below of the game in action, this is pure game-play done on Linux Mint of the new game mode.

This is unedited game-play and it was really smooth for me. I tried it last night and planet generation was a bit slow as it seems they still don't do that locally on your PC, but they use amazon cloud services. Today's build sorted that out perfectly for me though as they have spun up more machines for it. I do look forward to having more run on our PC's locally though, the always online is a bit of a pain when they don't have enough servers for planet generation.

I was actually shocked at just how smooth an experience this was, making me still easily recommend the game and at 19+ hours for myself you know it's good.

Uber Entertainment also have a newer team member on-board who has been making progress on better supporting Linux, so that's good news too.

You can grab it on Steam right now and it's 40% off! Seriously now is probably the best time to grab it. Remember you can always find cheap games on our Sales Page.
Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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RegSizedRudy May 24, 2014
I did not know this update included single player mode until reading this article , thanks !

I just saw galactic war update and ignored it :)
Liam Dawe May 24, 2014
Glad to be of service, it's what i'm here for!
fedso May 24, 2014
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May I suggest to park the mouse pointer on items with tooltips more often in the gameplay video or/and to to add captions to explain what is happening in the game? Considering that there is no commentary I gave up looking at the video after few minutes since I had no idea what you where doing. Thanks!
Liam Dawe May 24, 2014
I would have if I felt it was needed, but it's just an RTS game with quite basic mechanics too. You build buildings, then units, then fight.
gemini May 24, 2014
FYI it´s a bit cheaper on Humble bundle store then on Steam though. At least in Euros.
fedso May 24, 2014
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Quoting: liamdaweI would have if I felt it was needed, but it's just an RTS game with quite basic mechanics too. You build buildings, then units, then fight.

Of course you didn't feel the need, you know the game :P
(I admit I haven't followed the game so I didn't even know it's a RTS with basic mechanics)
tuxator May 24, 2014
okay. just watched one of the videos on the game's store page. According to that video, you can smash an entire friggin asteroid into a planet! Remember the Gauls from 'Asterix and Obelix' always fearing that the sky will/might crush them? Yeah, turns out it can...
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