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Developer Teases With Darksiders On Linux Screenshot

By - | Views: 44,465
We have good news for those of you who like action-adventure hack and slash games as we have a neat screenshot of Darksiders running on Linux!

Leszek Godlewski, a developer for Nordic Games who has worked on Deadfall Adventures, tweeted a picture showing Darksiders running on Linux. Seeing those KDE window decorations is surely a good sign coming from any developer. For now there isn't much info about the port, but we will keep you informed when we find out more about it.


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Darksiders is a third-person action-adventure hack and slash game set into a realm divided into three kingdoms: Kingdom of Hell, Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Man. Heaven and Hell have waged war with each other since the dawn of the ages and their conflict has proven to be harmful to the stability of the realm. A mediator group called The Charred Council is trying to maintain the balance and thus they created the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, which consists of War, Death, Strife and Fury.

You play as Horseman War, who goes out to bring order into the chaos the conflict is causing to the realm. You need to explore the land, complete puzzles and engage in combat with your foes using your two-handed sword or the weapons you find throughout the game.

Something to note is that yes it is a native port:

@rbnswartz @darksiders Yes, this is a full native port - the real deal. Thats how we do our ports :)

Reinhard Pollice (@ElMegalomator) July 11, 2014
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I'm a Linux gamer from Finland. I like reading, long walks on the beach, dying repeatedly in roguelikes and ripping and tearing in FPS games. I also sometimes write code and sometimes that includes hobbyist game development.
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scaine Jul 17, 2014
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Quoting: supermonkey77My mistake. Dev says it was a misconfig and was actually downloading windows version. Can confirm and now gone from Library listings.

Dammit. Those were 10 fine minutes there...
PublicNuisance Jul 20, 2014
I am glad to see more games coming to Linux but I found Darksiders to be boring and just a bad game. Dated graphics, poor PC port with limited graphics options and poor mouse/keyboard support. Unless they plan to fix some of the overall issues with the PC version than I can't see myself getting excited for this.
Antalius Aug 4, 2014
Awesome, very excited for this, will definitely buy it as soon as it comes out officially on linux.
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