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Hello again folks! Today I bring news that Double Action a new shooter than can be played in first or third person has arrived for Linux, and it's bloody funny.

The full name right now is Double Action: Boogaloo where "Boogaloo" is the current versions name, they seem to re-name the end for each content update.

This isn't your usual shooter in the way that it's over the top and very frantic. They are making it a stunt-based shooter where you slip, slide and dive all over the place like they do in the movies for extra points. You can also score some brownie points for knocking someone out by punching them with a hilarious *ding ding knockout!* effect.

If you fancy jumping off a building to smash through a window, do a little dive and then blow someone's brains out then this is the shooter for you.

I haven't had this much dumb fun since I first tried Kill Fun Yeah in June, so I decided I couldn't hold off on writing about something I found so funny, and it's free so who am I to pass up a free game?

It also has the source code published on github for anyone wanting to take a look at its dirty innards. You need to agree to their contributor file before submitting anything though as they keep the rights to do with it as they see fit, so it's really only open for people who genuinely want to add something or fix something in a game they like to play. That's not a bad thing in my eyes though, but it doesn't fit the term of "open source" which is why I won't call it that.

I spoke to the developer Jorge who said this about why they released it for free:
QuoteI have this weird philosophy about open development that mirrors somewhat how open source projects work. Anybody can contribute so long as they follow the project guidelines. I don't even issue tasks for people to work on, and I find that we get better ideas and contributions that way.

Here's the page with coding contribution info:

As far as releasing it for free, I'm in university and my bills are all paid for the foreseeable future so there's really no reason to charge for it. I'd prefer that everyone is able to play it and enjoy it and tell me how much they like it so that I can feel not so bad about spending three years of my life making it. :]

To answer what I imagine would be your next question about whether or not we'll ever monetize it: Right now we're focusing on adding features and fun stuff and we're not looking seriously at microtransactions for the next version. If the game grows then it could be a possibility for the future.

When asking about if any possible future Microtransactions would be spread to any contributors they had this to say:
QuoteI don't know how distributing the revenue would happen, we've not thought about it at all. Like I said, we're not focusing on that right now.

Revenue really isn't a focus for them right now, and that's great. We get an stupidly fun free game out of it and I'm pretty damn happy with that.

Check out Double Action on Steam now for free!

Ps. Miss me? Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Vedzom Nov 2, 2014
Nice, I'm trying this one out! I love the fact that it's available for Linux and not for Mac :D

P.S. Please come back and ignore the haters, the Linux gaming community really needs you.
Metallinatus Nov 2, 2014
Installing it.... seems very interesting!
You can come back and then take your times off wherever you want without alerting us, Liam.... we will understand :D
Skully Nov 2, 2014
I have played over 5 hours, it's extremely fun! Better than alot of games I have payed good money for.
Only annoying thing I have found is the game doesn't save your graphic settings, so you have to set it up each time you play.
Qydfac Nov 2, 2014
looks and feels like my favourite mod ever 'The Specialists' for HL1. This has far less weapons and ninja stuff but still feels really fun. I Hope they add more content in the future..
pd12 Nov 3, 2014
This sounds so lol!
Gonna download this one, will try it later.
Thanks for the recommend and checking out their future monetising aspirations! Good to see you around Liam =)
Snev Nov 3, 2014
Based on the screenshots and videos it reminds me a bit of
Xpander Nov 3, 2014
its pretty fun ... played about half an hour.

getting pretty repeated though.

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