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Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition Now In Beta For Linux

By - | Views: 12,891

Need more games? Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition has dropped in beta form for Linux gamers, so it's time to get your RPG hat on. This is Steam only currently.

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How to get the beta

Quote1. In the Steam client, open the Library tab
2. Right-click on "Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition"
3. Select "Properties"
4. Select the "Beta" tab
5. Enter "IWantToTestBGII" in the field provided, then click Check Code
6. Select "updatetesting" from the drop-down
7. Close the Properties window, wait for the game to download the update, and enjoy the beta!

About the game

Kidnapped. Imprisoned. Tortured. The wizard Irenicus holds you captive in his stronghold, attempting to strip you of the powers that are your birthright.

Can you resist the evil within you, forge a legend of heroic proportions, and ultimately destroy the dark essence that haunts your dreams? Or will you embrace your monstrous nature, carve a swath of destruction across the realms, and ascend to godhood as the new Lord of Murder?

Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition brings this critically acclaimed role-playing experience to back to life.

You can buy it on Steam now to try it out.

I haven't even had time to try the first one yet, but I have very fond memories of BG II when I was a little younger, so I will be sure to give this one a crack once it is out of beta.


Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Hamish Dec 13, 2014
Quoting: SkullyIt's a form of copy protection. Clearly DRM.

Sadly nothing is clearly DRM, which is one of the reasons why these arguments keep coming up, as the definition is unfortunately rather muddled. Nothing in Pirates! ties it to an outside service or allows MicroProse access to an installation on my hard drive. If having to consult something from a manual constitutes DRM than the original Postal game has DRM due to the fact that the F1 key was never documented in-game, despite it being needed to switch levels.

It is because of this ambiguity that people can and do argue that what Steam imposes on certain titles is not actually a form of DRM, because to them it does not fall under their own personal definition. This is fair enough on its own, but as an argument it does fall apart somewhat when Valve themselves go out of their way to classify what they are doing as such.

Quoting: SkullyHow confident are you now? You can try and twist it however you want, your money will likely have helped them supply more games with one of the most annoying forms of DRM ever made.

Whether an element of a game is annoying or not is subjective; my criteria for deciding what distributors I chose to support are not. I am not willing to have my money go to any developer or distributor that creates an acknowledged DRM system. This is what excludes me from using Steam while still allowing me to use GOG.com, Desura, and Humble Store. I would rather that none of them sold content that could be found questionable, but that is outside of my stated criteria.

Quoting: SkullyAlso I own Pirates, it didn't stop me from buying it. As I would rather play games than hope that one day there will be a DRM free version ... I think it's totally fine that you steer away from DRM, that's your decision.

Yes, it is my decision. Just as how your own buying habits are also your own decision, something I have never disputed here or anywhere else on this website. I have never personally gone after you or anyone else for buying a game on Steam.

Quoting: SkullyI am just sick of seeing you spew crap on here about steam. Almost every article you have replied to has you talking some crap about it. You remind of a bible basher always trying to impose your views on others.

Once again, I must ask you to hold a mirror up to yourself.

You are constantly turning these threads into arguments about Steam or DRM, something I myself never actually brought up here or in the comments section of the other Baldur's Gate article. It really is an argument that is not worth having anymore simply because it has been rehashed so many times, and I only respond to it because I know that despite this there are still some things I have to address even though I know that they are all still just the same old, tired, boring, talking points.

Nothing I have posted in this thread or anywhere else has been dishonest or blatantly untrue, and in the other thread I even went so far as to honour your request by backing myself up with some of the official documentation as provided by Valve, something you quickly discarded. You may disagree with my position, but you can not honestly disagree with the facts I have produced.

Hundreds of Steam games get mentioned on GOL without me passing my judgment on them. A few people decide to purchase a game on GOG.com instead and you chose to deem them to be crazy, lying, fanatics. If there is anyone trying to impose their views on someone, it is you. I have only been explaining my positions. You decided to attack them.

EDIT: Just to make everyone's life a little easier, I will include a link back to the original discussion:
Skully Dec 13, 2014
Quoting: neffoIf you waiting to buy it on GOG for the DRM free version, then just buy the Steam version. It's already DRM free.

This guy only tried to be helpful to you.

From this you could of thanked him. or just ignored him but nooooo
You got tell us YET AGAIN your views on steam vs gog on DRM.

Quoting: HamishThe versions sold on Steam may be DRM free, but I still personally will not buy the game from Steam because I do not wish to support a distribution platform that provides a DRM service for developers to plug themselves into regardless of whether they chose to use it or not.

Keep in mind that Valve gets a 30% cut from every game sale on Steam, meaning that 30% of your money will end up going to a DRM distributor. GOG.com takes a similar cut, but with them I can have complete confidence that none of my money will go to the promotion of DRM systems.

This is what you do thread after thread after thread.
You keep trying to impose your point of view.
All I am doing is pointing this out to you, while admittedly showing that
the crud you say isn't entirely true.
seven Dec 13, 2014
does it still count as a linux purchase if i buy it on steam for some beta testing?
Apopas Dec 13, 2014
Nice, nice nice :D Hopefully they fixed the bugs that plagued the windows version.
I suppose it will be out before Christmas so I'm gonna grab it from GOG.
Apopas Dec 13, 2014
Quoting: SkullyThis is what you do thread after thread after thread.
You keep trying to impose your point of view.
All I am doing is pointing this out to you, while admittedly showing that
the crud you say isn't entirely true.
Actually, it is true.
DRM or not, Steam promotes it and offers a form of DRM in case a developer wants to use it for his game. That's why Steam it is a no go for me.
Apopas Dec 13, 2014
Quoting: sevendoes it still count as a linux purchase if i buy it on steam for some beta testing?
Maybe if you buy it from Linux steam client and play it only under Linux for the first week.
Hamish Dec 13, 2014
Quoting: SkullyThis guy only tried to be helpful to you.

Neffo's post was absolutely fine, yes. You will notice I have not been uncivil with him here.

Quoting: SkullyYou got tell us YET AGAIN your views on steam vs gog on DRM.

I clarified my own position in response to Neffo's suggestion. If seeing other people outlining their views bothers you then you should probably just stop reading comments sections from now on.

Quoting: HamishThis is what you do thread after thread after thread. You keep trying to impose your point of view. All I am doing is pointing this out to you, while admittedly showing that

Once again, hold up a mirror to yourself. I have never attacked anyone here, nor have I tried to impose my own worldview on anyone. You are the one taking exception at the fact I disagree with you.

Quoting: Hamishthe crud you say isn't entirely true.

Then show me where I have posted a factual error. So far, I have actually been backing myself up.
philip550c Dec 15, 2014
Steam is a form of DRM. One I don't have a problem with but now that we have gog too people that hate DRM can still support Linux gaming which benefits everyone here.
GoCorinthians Dec 21, 2014
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