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GOL GOTY Awards Are Over, Here's The Top 10 From Each Section

By - | Views: 21,726
Our first ever GOTY Awards are over, and we have the top 10 from the two sections ready for your viewing pleasure. This was a fun experiment we will do again next year.

You can now view the full GOTY page complete with leaderboards for each game. We had it up originally, but it was removed to prevent a voting bias for the top games based on feedback. This will remain open until a lot later in the year when we prepare the next one.

The winners are Borderlands 2, and 0 A.D., so massive congratulations to them both. They are both excellent games, and deserve being winners. We've sent both a tweet to let them know, with a nice image provided by community member sobkas.

Congratulations to all the games that didn't win, as you were great enough to be nominated that should mean something!

Open Source Winners

All Others
Own up, who voted for 7 Days to Die?

We will work on nicer images to import for the winner announcement next year.

Question Time
We don't want the 2015 awards to be rammed full of so many games we can't count them, so we wish to ask you how you think we should handle it?

Should we do as other sites do and only let editors nominate?
Should we limit nominations per-person?

What (apart from more categories!) do you feel we missed that's essential for next year? And what other more regular awards would you like to see us do? Article taken from
Tags: Editorial
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Xpander Jan 15, 2015
yes... groups would be good
and i agree the games that were released only on that year (be it early access or not)

Categories would be something like:

-Best Linux Game of Year 2015
-Best Opensource Linux Game of the Year 2015
-Best Early Access Linux Game of the Year 2015
-Best DRM-free Linux Game of the Year 2015

could go more deep with

-Best Story In Linux Games this year
-Best Multiplayer ...
- etc

but if we go and get each genre out there i think there will be too many categories then :)
also with opensource games its really hard to mark when was it released.

well just some ideas
Supay Jan 15, 2015
A shame the Paradox games didn't get more love. They've been supporting Linux well and run fantastically.
Segata Sanshiro Jan 15, 2015
I still don't get the fuss about BL2, just seemed like another generic FPS where "story" is just going from one place to another and given random objetcives. Dunno, don't get it.

Quoting: SupayA shame the Paradox games didn't get more love. They've been supporting Linux well and run fantastically.

I'm happy EU4 did as well as it did. It's still a niche though, for strategy fans with OCD. Maybe HOI4 will stand a chance in the strategy category thus year if it does well.

QuoteShould we do as other sites do and only let editors nominate?
Should we limit nominations per-person?

I think one nomination per category per person. Nominations should be limited to games released that year in full for Linux (ie. Bioshock Infinite could be nominated, and so could BOUT2 when it comes out of EA). The exception could be a nomination for best EA/Alpha game of that year for games to necessarily released on EA that year, like KSP or Project Zomboid if they're still in EA but have had major updates that year. I would also email/tweet/carrier-pigeon developers once they get nominated. Also, would be great to see more community involvement, maybe some kind of award ceremony livestream would be fun!

All in all though this was a very good initiative, I'm glad it's being done and that it's worked well. It's completely needed, and hopefully it will be even better next year. On a side note, I really like the image used for the award, it looks very trophy-like. Only change I would do to that is the font.
omer666 Jan 15, 2015
Uh, well it's not that bad. I like Borderlands 2 a great deal, even if to me it didn't qualify as a GOTY. Have to accept choices from others I guess ^_^
Supay Jan 15, 2015
Quoting: Segata Sanshiro
Quoting: SupayA shame the Paradox games didn't get more love. They've been supporting Linux well and run fantastically.

I'm happy EU4 did as well as it did. It's still a niche though, for strategy fans with OCD.

You just described me perfectly. Combined, I think.I have around 2500 hours in EUIV and CKII. Paradox supporting Linux is what gave me the final impetus to drop my Windows partition and go full Arch. Haven't regretted it once in a year and a half.
fabertawe Jan 15, 2015
I'm also in favour of picking your top five, ranked with points from 5 to 1, as stss mentioned. I'm not too keen on the Editors finalising the voting list though as this will definitely exclude games some (many?) might want to vote for and lend bias to the ones the Editors actually like. Unless it's a massive list of course, in which case just repeat what we had this time (my choice). Choice is good! I don't think early access should be included either.

I never selected an open source game.... was this a category I missed or was that list just generated from the overall vote?

p.s. I voted Borderlands 2 - incredible game!
Liam Dawe Jan 15, 2015
Quoting: fabertaweI never selected an open source game.... was this a category I missed or was that list just generated from the overall vote?

It had its own voting.
adolson Jan 15, 2015
If you restrict the next awards to games that released on Linux this year, then the problem of too many choices mostly eliminates itself. I understand the logic, but it's still silly to bother with "Game of the Year" awards if you're able to nominate and vote for games that are 10-20 years old. And if you don't narrow it down this way, then the editors will choose their favorites, which may not mesh with the rest of the community's favorites, and will potentially ignore great 2015 games.
Segata Sanshiro Jan 15, 2015
Quoting: SupayYou just described me perfectly. Combined, I think.I have around 2500 hours in EUIV and CKII. Paradox supporting Linux is what gave me the final impetus to drop my Windows partition and go full Arch. Haven't regretted it once in a year and a half.

Similar story, haven't had Windows for a long time but EU4 was my first Linux game on Steam. Probably have similar hours if I include Victoria 1 and 2. When 3 is released hopefully next year, then I think it will be the only game I'll play :P. Never got too into CK2, but maybe I just haven't discovered that "depth" to it yet, need to keep trying.
Pit Jan 15, 2015
Haven't played any of the 'other' section games - guess none of them is available outside steam?

So I'm definitely with Xpander that there should also be a 'DRM-free game' award.

I also think (too) many games to select from and only one vote don't go together very well. Either do a sugestion round and put the 10 (20?) most mentioned ones up for the real vote (one vote per person), or take all suggestions and allow several (5?) votes with decreasing point values....
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