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Evolve Looks Closer To A Linux Release

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It looks like Evolve will be coming to Linux sooner rather than later, thanks to more goodness from the SteamDB resource.

We know that Evolve is coming to Linux, but we don't know who is porting it yet. It does seem to be making progress:
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That and more was added to the Evolve SteamDB page today! We know this doesn't mean it will be released today (we can hope right?), but it means it's actively being worked on.

About Evolve
Evolve is the winner of over 60 awards making it the most award winning game coming in 2015. Most notably, Evolve is the first game to win both the official E3 and Gamescom Best of Show awards in the same year.

In a savage world of man vs nature, are you the hunter or the hunted? Turtle Rock Studios bring you Evolve, the next-generation of multiplayer shooters where four hunters face-off against a single, player-controlled monster. Stalk your prey, execute your attack and prove you are the apex predator in adrenaline-pumping 4V1 matches.

All aboard the hype train, choochoo! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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loggfreak May 8, 2015
well it performed really bad when i played it during the beta on windows, so i hope they improved performance a lot
sunbeam4 May 8, 2015
do we yet know if feral are porting this one. it's a no brainer, right ?
Guest May 8, 2015
Eh, another multiplayer only shooter. Not excited to be honest.
tuubi May 8, 2015
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So it's just a multi-player time-waster with no content beyond nice graphics, a few maps and slightly different game mechanics among the multitude of multi-player murder simulators out there? Bah! Bah say I. I demand we all return to the good old times when games didn't force us to socialize, but gave us stories to enjoy and worlds to explore. At our own pace, in our own time and in our own pleasurable company preferably, Steam "friends" be damned.

Yes they still make great single player games as well but this felt like a decent excuse for a grumble. I may or may not actually agree with anything in the paragraph above. Except that no multi-player game will ever make me empty my wallet. The price they ask for these half-games is mind-boggling.
micha May 8, 2015
I'm very much looking forward to play Evolve. Didn't get it on the PS4 since I was hoping for a linux release but I guess I still have to be patient for a while longer.
edo May 8, 2015
I'm glad to see it is coming to linux, even if I don't want it.
linux_gamer May 8, 2015
Quoting: edoI'm glad to see it is coming to linux, even if I don't want it.
I agree, the concept looks quite boring to me. But AAA game is AAA game and so its great.
Keyrock May 8, 2015
Quoting: edoI'm glad to see it is coming to linux, even if I don't want it.

Agreed. Great concept. Poor execution. Still, good to see another big name title make its way over to the penguin.
amonobeax May 8, 2015
Remember bros that this game was highly criticized for its DLC policy.

If you don't like companies that milk the player with DLC beware

zimplex1 May 8, 2015
This game's multiplayer is pretty much already dead, and multiplayer is all it has to offer (that and a plethora of DLC).
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