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Don't Count On Any EA Frostbite Powered Games On Linux

By - | Views: 53,892
Sad, but not unexpected news as the Technical Director on Frostbite at Electronic Arts has said seeing their games on Linux is unlikely.

@HeavyHDx very unlikely

— Johan Andersson (@repi) September 12, 2015

When asked why he had a simple answer:

@HeavyHDx less then 1% of the potential audience, even Mac (which we don't support) is more than 3x larger.

— Johan Andersson (@repi) September 12, 2015

That's fine, and completely understandable. The only reason we are getting some bigger games right now is Aspyr, Feral and a few others are hoping on a good future with Steam Machines, so it's not unexpected for a huge company like EA to not do Linux right now.

It's a shame, as before a member of DICE said they strongly wanted to get into Linux, so I guess it never worked out for them.

It is yet another reason why I really hope Steam Machines get included in the Steam survey somehow, I mean Valve want to show the market share for it has grown after release right? I do wonder how they will do this. I haven't seen them talk about this anywhere, so we will have to wait and see. Article taken from
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Mountain Man Sep 12, 2015
It annoys me that developers keep parroting that 1% figure because, first of all, it's based on the inaccurate Stream survey numbers, and secondly, even if it was only 1%, that still accounts for several million people.
lucifertdark Sep 12, 2015
Since Steam was ported to Linux I've had the survey twice on Linux & once a month every blasted month on Windows, the numbers are artificially skewed in favour of Windows, the only way they're ever going to get an accurate number of how many Linux gamers there are on steam is by asking every single user.
manus76 Sep 12, 2015
I agree that it would be nice to have at least some of their game on linux, but in the long run I don't think it really matters that much. People who want to switch to linux will do it, other will always say 'Game X doesn't work on linux, therefore the platform is not viable for gaming'.
You can't play Bloodborne, Gran Turismo or Forza on Windows - doesn't make it a bad gaming platform, now does it?
melkemind Sep 12, 2015
EA is a console-oriented company. Back when I was a kid, and they used their whole name (Electronic Arts), they were very much PC oriented, but these days, there are games they don't even port to Windows, let alone any other PC OS (I'm looking at you, Madden). It's probably more apathy than anything deliberate. They just sit back and count the money.
wolfyrion Sep 12, 2015
EA and Steam dont go well together and you all know that...

I doubt it that there are any new games from EA on Steam, just the old ones I guess.

EA = Origin , PS , XBOX, simple as that

Even know if someone wants to play an EA Game has to install Origin.

EA was the best company when I was a young padawadan , I have played almost all the FIFA and NBA games that I am actually missing now.

SteamOS needs more big companies to join like Namco , Konami, Capcom,Square Enix, RockStar and so many other companies.

I am happy that so far a lot of AAA companies have joined Steam like , SEGA,2K, DAEDALIC,KALYPSO and so many other indie developers.

Most of the indie developers now are producing by default Linux versions , is just the big companies the main problem. They just want money and more money and to satisfy their big EGO that their games rule the masses.

Last edited by wolfyrion on 12 September 2015 at 5:40 pm UTC
ProfessorKaos64 Sep 12, 2015
Kinda tired of the hw survey being played. Everyone knows it's BS. I've gotten it once since the client was released on Linux.
GustyGhost Sep 12, 2015
Quoting: ProfessorKaos64Kinda tired of the hw survey being played. Everyone knows it's BS. I've gotten it once since the client was released on Linux.

If it's so inaccurate as everybody claims, then there is also the possibility that Steam HW reports higher number of Linux users than there really are. The street goes both ways.

And if Linux ever grows to a significant percentage on Steam HW survey I don't ever want to hear you people cite the number or praise it for its accuracy.
Mountain Man Sep 12, 2015
Quoting: lucifertdarkSince Steam was ported to Linux I've had the survey twice on Linux once a month every blasted month on Windows, the numbers are artificially skewed in favour of Windows, the only way they're ever going to get an accurate number of how many Linux gamers there are on steam is by asking every single user.
Same here. I boot up Steam for Linux almost everyday when I turn on my computer - have done so since Stream for Linux was in beta - and I've only gotten the survey ONCE in all that time. I've gotten the survey request in Windows at least a half a dozen times in that same period despite using Windows far less frequently.

Last edited by Mountain Man on 12 September 2015 at 6:40 pm UTC
mao_dze_dun Sep 12, 2015
Oh, I'm so sick of this "I've never taken the survey" bull. Even if you all took it it would increase the Linux percent from 0.9 to 1.5% if we're generous. Congratulations - I'm sure EA, Ubisoft and Rockstar will come running to port their AAA games. "I thought it was only 0.9%, but by God, it's 1.5!!! Quickly - call VP so we can have GTA 5 ready for Ubuntu 15.10". Somebody pointed out earlier that it is completely absurd for you to presume you're better at number crunching and market research than the entire dedicated departments of a multi-billion dollar corporation.
Avehicle7887 Sep 12, 2015
Quoting: maodzedunOh, I'm so sick of this "I've never taken the survey" bull. Even if you all took it it would increase the Linux percent from 0.9 to 1.5% if we're generous. Congratulations - I'm sure EA, Ubisoft and Rockstar will come running to port their AAA games. "I thought it was only 0.9%, but by God, it's 1.5!!! Quickly - call VP so we can have GTA 5 ready for Ubuntu 15.10". Somebody pointed out earlier that it is completely absurd for you to presume you're better at number crunching and market research than the entire dedicated departments of a multi-billion dollar corporation.

0.9%, 1.5%, To companies such as EA, Ubi and Rockstar these numbers won't matter much, I mean look at Mac it has a bigger number than that and yet you don't see any Battlefield, Assassin's Creed or GTA V on Mac do you? It is no secret that EA seeks only profit in their games without adding much to their formula and also one of the main reasons Origin was built for.

As for the Steam survey itself, it only reflects the Steam user base and only the ones who took the survey, there are people who buy only from GOG and Humble Bundle for the DRM-Free. It's not just EA, but any company who judges a user base on just 1 store is doing it a bit wrong and getting the wrong numbers.

Last edited by Avehicle7887 on 12 September 2015 at 7:36 pm UTC
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