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Atari Vault, a 100 classic game collection heading to SteamOS & Linux

By - | Views: 21,798
This is lovely news, Atari Vault a new official collection of 100 classic games is heading to SteamOS & Linux


Sounds like it will only be for Steam too:
QuoteAtari will release 100 of its classic games in a single package for Steam, called Atari Vault, this spring, it said today. So far, it promises to include Asteroids, Centipede, Missile Command, Tempest, and Warlords in the package, with online multiplayer and Steam leaderboard support.

I can't wait to give some a blast on my Steam Controller:
QuoteIn addition, Atari’s press release promises “precision control” via the Steam Controller, which could be quite appealing if done correctly. Many classic Atari games like Centipede originally used a trackball controller, which few PC users today have access to. But the Steam Controller’s unique touch pads can mimic the feel of a trackball quite well, so they could be excellent for playing these classics.

I wonder what titles exactly will have online multiplayer, as that could be hilarious for some classic titles. Nice to see stuff getting extra features like that too, rather than just dumping old titles up in a neat package.

It releases sometime in the Spring, so keep an eye out for it.

Thanks for the additional info Wired, and Daniel for the email. Article taken from
Tags: Retro, Steam, Upcoming
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Feist Jan 25, 2016
Nice, but not really my thing anymore.

I had a period sometime around Y2K that lasted for about a year. During that time I was gripped by "emulation-mania" (lol) and I went from MAME with all it ´s old arcade titles to "UAE" with all the old Amiga titles and other emulators as well, SNES, Gameboy, Sega etc. etc. etc.

However, I eventually came to grips with the fact that I had very little interest in actually *playing* any of these oldies. I had more than enough contemporary games to keep me occupied. Nope, it was just the challenge of amassing a library of old and often obscure games that was the entertainment. Like a coin or stamp collection really.

So...end of story. I think I may still have a box of old cd:s filled with emulators and old games up in the attic somewhere.

Last edited by Feist on 25 January 2016 at 7:15 pm UTC
philip550c Jan 25, 2016
Very cool, I wonder how much harder it is for them to add Mac support though, since it's coming later.
ElectricPrism Jan 25, 2016
I'm not gonna turn on the hype machine but....

For the right price I could be swayed into picking up a collection like this for my Big Picture.
slaapliedje Jan 26, 2016
Ha, I've been getting back to my old Atari's lately (namely the ST line of computers, as I was finally able to get a Falcon030) and this kind of mixes in with my thoughts about why Atari went wrong... mainly that their glory days really were the 2600, and after that I think they didn't understand how to get developers to create software for their other platforms, that's certainly what killed off the 8-bits, the STs and the Jaguar.

It'd be a shame for a package of 100 Atari games on Steam to only have 2600 games though.

On another note, they made a Combat 2 and Adventure 2?
Eike Jan 26, 2016
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Quoting: tuubiPersonally I'm not going to touch this one. I did enjoy (some of) these classics back in the day, but the simplistic arcade gameplay just isn't my idea of fun anymore.

The best thing you can do to most legendary classic games is keeping them in sweet memory,
the worst thing is to actually play them again.

One of the very few exceptions for me was Metal Gear I & II on MSX.
STiAT Jan 27, 2016
Oh damn, there are a few childhood games in that bundle.... i doubt I'll be able to resist that.
Storminator16 Jan 28, 2016
If this has achievements, I'm all over this.
HunterZ Jan 30, 2016
It's hard to think about buying digital Atari games for two reasons:
1. I still have my original Atari 2600.
2. Every Atari 2600 game ever released by every publisher could almost certainly collectively fit on one 1990s-era floppy disk.

I just watched the documentary on Netflix where they dug up the Atari cartridges in the New Mexico landfill. It was pretty good. E.T. was arguably a better game than Warshaw's Raiders of the Lost Ark, which is completely impossible to figure out without a walkthrough.
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