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Not the best news, but not surprising either. A moderator on the Stardew Valley forum (so someone who would be in-the-know) has updated everyone to let us know it all depends on sales.

Recently I wrote about Ethan Lee offering to help port it, and in the same post this has now been said:
QuoteI've updated the Q&A for launch. Depending on sales of the game, there will be version for both MAC and Linus (.....linux. For linux.)


You can also see the Q&A post they are talking about here:
QuoteWill this come to MAC / Linus?
Depending on sales of the game, most likely!

It's not surprising as the the game only has Eric Barone "ConcernedApe" working on it. Even if he did bring someone like Ethan in to port the game, there's still likely to be a lot of time he will lose talking to Ethan about it, and it's probably not worth it just yet.

The game is still hitting new highs, with a record 31,574 playing it on Steam at time of writing, so I do wonder what their target is to look into Linux & Mac? Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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FredO Mar 3, 2016
If Steamspy can be believed, they've out-sold SFV in the first 5 days since release, so I don't think sales are a problem. Steamspy do warn that they're still in Beta, so the numbers a just guidelines. It's a positive indicator in any case though.


mao_dze_dun Mar 3, 2016
What the eff is wrong with you people? It's ONE guy. That's the number of people developing the game - the staggering number of ONE person. It took the dude four years to finally release the game and he continues to bring out patches every day. A week after the release the game has a rating of 99% with just 41 people giving it thumbs down. And the developer has expressed his sincere desire to bring the game to Linux and Mac but obviously - there is so much somebody with no Linux experience and absolutely no help can do. Don't worry your entitled and hateful little heads; this game is a smash hit and I'm positive a Linux release is closer than even the developer thinks. But it's ignorant and hostile talk like this that brings the Linux community the bad rep it has (which it has) and drives developers away. Shame on you.

PS I personally will buy a second copy through Linux, once the port is done and gift it to a friend. It is an amazing game and it needs all of the love it can get.

Last edited by mao_dze_dun on 3 March 2016 at 9:00 am UTC
lucifertdark Mar 3, 2016
Have you forgotten Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams? they promised a Linux version, 2 years later they've just pretty much walked away, I'm tired of developers treating Linux as an afterthought or just walking away after us Linux gamers have been conned into giving them money for nothing, if you're not going to support Linux from day one don't promise it at all.
mao_dze_dun Mar 3, 2016
Quoting: lucifertdarkHave you forgotten Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams? they promised a Linux version, 2 years later they've just pretty much walked away, I'm tired of developers treating Linux as an afterthought or just walking away after us Linux gamers have been conned into giving them money for nothing, if you're not going to support Linux from day one don't promise it at all.

So what is the developer of Stardew Valley supposed to reply when asked about a Linux/Mac port? Ignore the question? Lie and say: "No, never happening"? Swear on his children's life he'll port it no matter what? I'm confused.
Storminator16 Mar 3, 2016
It's a business. Porting code is an operational cost. Why are some folks a little disappointed by this? If it comes to Linux, great! It's not going to be today if not ever. Just relax, there is way more important stuff to be up in arms about.
ZekThePenguin Mar 3, 2016
It's doing REALLY well on Steam, and they mentioned that success will define whether there will be a Linux port. I'm not worried. Starbound turned out really good on Linux, and I'm really looking forward to playing Stardew Valley on Linux. That said, I'm not buying it until a Linux port has been made.
Maelrane Mar 3, 2016
Quoting: TheBossNot every developer is interested in tiny platforms like us, we really can't blame them since the return is often rather low.

I can and I will. From a technical viewpoint it's just nuts. That's not (only ;)) about ideology, but it's also nuts from a economic point of view. Why? Well, PS4...

Built platform agnostic from the beginning and you avoid many problems.

If you won't I automatically assume you can't. I know that's not fair because there is a fair amount of programmers out there who like D3D (or rather DX in that case) but there is an even greater amount of those who can't program but can click shit together.
Maelrane Mar 3, 2016
Quoting: Storminator16It's a business. Porting code is an operational cost. Why are some folks a little disappointed by this? If it comes to Linux, great! It's not going to be today if not ever. Just relax, there is way more important stuff to be up in arms about.

Because you don't need to port, if you start agnostic from the beginning.

And the thing is, many developers use that as an excuse, but PORT to PS4 or so later... so, why don't do it proper if you hope to get to another platform (like PS4) later down the road?

(Yes, the PS4 does not use OpenGL but the graphic-layer isn't the only layer ;))
ElectricPrism Mar 3, 2016
"Depending on sales of the game, there will be version for both MAC and Linus"

Lets see hmm....

135,090 as of March 3rd x 14.99 is a sales income of erm..... $2,024,999.10

Yup, 2 Million 24 Thousand Dollars.

Linux & Mac version confirmed! Thanks Bexy!
mao_dze_dun Mar 3, 2016
Quoting: ElectricPrism"Depending on sales of the game, there will be version for both MAC and Linus"

Lets see hmm....

135,090 as of March 3rd x 14.99 is a sales income of erm..... $2,024,999.10

Yup, 2 Million 24 Thousand Dollars.

Linux & Mac version confirmed! Thanks Bexy!

And don't forget - multiplayer is not available yet. I predict things will go bonkers once that up, as well.
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