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EVERSPACE is an incredibly beautiful looking 3D space shooter that takes elements from roguelikes that was funded on Kickstarter. They smashed their funding goal, and it's heading to Linux now too.

Originally they said:
QuoteYes, we definitely plan on releasing on Mac and Linux, however the inital launch will be on PC and depending on the amount of money we raise the Mac and Linux port will come sooner or later.

However, due to demand it was added into the first stretch goal, and they shot right past it.

Back in December they put up a very pretty trailer too:
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How gorgeous does it look?!

It will feature:
- Singleplayer Rogue-like gameplay with persistent progression
- AAA-style visuals & sound and rock solid controls
- Captivating non-linear storytelling that perfectly fits the nature of a rogue-like
- In-depth upgrade and damage system
- 1st and 3rd person action focus (no sim)
- VR-Support

I'm already a little bit in love with it, the section of the trailer where you're piloting through what looks like a debris field looks amazing. Seeing an asteroid be shot to pieces looked pretty great too. Just wow.

Hopefully they won't come across too many issues with the Linux version. I hope they are planning for it early on!

What do you think?

Thanks for emailing it in Horst, totally missed it. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Segata Sanshiro Mar 31, 2016
This looks great, but with the amount of kickstarter campaigns not delivering on their Linux pledges recently, I won't hold my breath.
Kimyrielle Mar 31, 2016
Quoting: Segata SanshiroThis looks great, but with the amount of kickstarter campaigns not delivering on their Linux pledges recently, I won't hold my breath.

Did these guys ever do a Linux game before? If no, I would indeed be careful. Most of the broken Linux promises come from studios who seem to think a Linux port can be done by writing a Windows game using DirectX and lots of Windows-only middleware and then making it run on Linux by waving a magic wand at it.

Other than that obvious concern, the game -does- look beautiful.
Corben Mar 31, 2016
Oh yeah, I'm so looking forward to Everspace! Rockfish are developers from Fishlabs who made Galaxy on Fire 2, which is kind of a lightweight Elite. GoF2 is very popular on iOS. There are some parallels in graphic and sound-design, when watching the trailers ;)

As I only wanted to support this game, when a Linux version is coming, I reached out to them and got a positive answer. As they are a German Developer Studio, here is the google translated (and slightly corrected) answer they gave me while the kickstarter campaign was running (2015-08-17):

QuoteSo in software development it is of course always difficult with promises, since there can always be unforeseen problems. We have not tried to build a Linux version before, but the Unreal Engine seems to support Linux, so let's go with the assumption that we will not have to contend with too much problems.
The plan is that with reaching the Stretch Goal we will support PC, Mac and Linux on the first day. If the Stretch Goal is not reached, we still intend to deliver a Mac and Linux version, but we will probably have to wait a little, until the PC version flushed a little money in the coffers. But it will be the first thing after release, which we will be working on.

As the stretch goal has been reached, they will be working on it with a Linux (and Mac) version in mind from the start.
I have faith in promises the Germans are making ;)
They just have been to GDC and got a lot of positive feedback about the game, the actual ETA for the first Alpha is end of April. The first version for Linux and Mac is scheduled for Beta. Beta estimated delivery in 07/2016.

Last edited by Corben on 31 March 2016 at 9:19 am UTC
Liam Dawe Mar 31, 2016
That answer is too old to matter now, i should probably reach out to them and find out the current status.
Corben Mar 31, 2016
The info that the beta will have the first version of Linux is up to date: 2016-03-27.
Liam Dawe Mar 31, 2016
Quoting: CorbenThe info that the beta will have the first version of Linux is up to date: 2016-03-27.

That's good news, i just hope that's not a "we wont even try to build on Linux until then" and more "its just not ready until then".
chrisq Mar 31, 2016
Looks great, but seems like a game that has to be played with a mouse, not a proper HOTAS rig.
If that is the case, like with NeonXSZ, I'm disappointed.
Muffinman Mar 31, 2016
If this game brings the same fast-paced joy that Star Raiders on the 5200 Atari brought to me in the 80s, then it's a winner in my book. Far too many space game developers are pushing for realistic physics, complicated gameplay, and too much depth. Some of us just want to jump in, blow some stuff up, and leave in a 20 to 30 minute session. The Star Raiders of the 1980s gave you some depth, but not at the expense of fast paced action-packed gameplay.
melkemind Mar 31, 2016
Quoting: MuffinmanIf this game brings the same fast-paced joy that Star Raiders on the 5200 Atari brought to me in the 80s, then it's a winner in my book. Far too many space game developers are pushing for realistic physics, complicated gameplay, and too much depth. Some of us just want to jump in, blow some stuff up, and leave in a 20 to 30 minute session. The Star Raiders of the 1980s gave you some depth, but not at the expense of fast paced action-packed gameplay.

LOL See, I'm one of those people who wants more depth. I'd like to be able to explore, mine, etc. in an open world rather than just dog-fighting, dying, rinse, repeat. I don't really need another Strike Suit Zero. But hey, I hope this game gives you what you want. It's always nice to have options.
Mountain Man Mar 31, 2016
"Yes, we definitely plan on releasing on Mac and Linux, however the initial launch will be on PC and depending on the amount of money we raise the Mac and Linux port will come sooner or later."

Sorry, but statements like this seem very weaselly to me.

Also, any developer who states that they plan to develop for Windows first, then Linux and Mac later is telling you right up front where their priorities lie.
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