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Excellent news today folks, Feral Interactive have now officially confirmed that Tomb Raider will be coming to Linux "This Spring".

This Spring, Linux takes the rousing leap you’ve been hoping for. We heard your requests: Tomb Raider is coming.

— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) March 23, 2016

This is very exciting as it's another Square Enix to have on Linux. The game itself I personally thought was excellent, as I played some of it on the PS3 years ago but never finished it.

From the press release:

Quote“We are delighted to be bringing one of gaming’s best-loved franchises to Linux in the exhilarating form of Tomb Raider,” said David Stephen, Managing Director of Feral Interactive. “It traces Lara’s evolution from amateur explorer to battle-hardened survivor in an amazing adventure that Linux gamers will relish.”

Tomb Raider will be available from the Feral Store, Steam and other third-party stores, and will retail for US $19.99, £14.99 (inc. VAT) and €19,99 (inc. VAT).

About the game

Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

Feral Interactive must have my secret list of games I want to see on Linux. 

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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leillo1975 Mar 23, 2016
Quoting: KeyrockNow, if we could just get Deus Ex. Please. Pretty please.

I agree absolutely!

All Deus Ex Titles, and of course Human Revolution DC

Last edited by leillo1975 on 23 March 2016 at 10:31 pm UTC
MisterK Mar 24, 2016
I'm totally OK with this. It's a great game and Linux could use another third person adventure game.
Storminator16 Mar 24, 2016
Well, this has been an interesting week, no?
syxbit Mar 24, 2016
This is great news. However, it took a really long time, and many of us already purchased it (I beat if on PS3, and then again on PS4).
Let's hope that Rise of the Tomb Raider comes out much more quickly, and they can see Linux revenue
ertuqueque Mar 24, 2016
I think I'm the only one who thinks this game sucks... because it got ruined by the recurrent decision of studios to assume gamers are stupid... Every 10 steps there's an on-screen explanation of how to jump, climb, and pretty much solve every freaking minor "puzzle" you face in the game.

At least that's what I've seen in ALL the playthroughs I've watched in Youtube. I still don't know if you can turn ALL of the on-screen tips off in the settings. If that's the case, I'm very much willing to purchase it and have an enjoyable experience, otherwise, I'm not very interested in this guided-tutorial-of-a-game.
logge Mar 24, 2016
Arrgs, spring goes as long as 21st of June
Halifax Mar 24, 2016
Here's the part where I get ostracized for being politically incorrect.


I played Tomb Raider, it's a great game. Needs to go back to its roots where Laura Croft is basically a shallow sex symbol that provides great eye candy while you play a fun game.

I'm totally fine with girl power, my mom has a PHD and I have no problem with 100% supporting women equality in the workforce etc etc. But the need to go revisionist history and "politically correct" / change what an existing franchise stood for? No. The franchise was fine for what it was - we're just talking a video game here.

Just make a new politically correct franchise then, don't go revisionist history on an existing franchise that was never about what they made it. IOW: advanced tesselated graphics options for hair vs boobs? Nope, that's not what the orig T.R. would have focused on.


If you ARE going to go all politically correct / revisionist history on an existing franchise that wasn't meant for that path, have some balls and don't go all *fake hollywood* girl power on it. You know what I'm talking about? No? Let me edify you so you see one facet of the ridiculousness going on in this modern age of bologna:

Yes, there are women who can kick a lot of ass. No, they do not look like the petite chick who was used in the game (or movie of the innumerable girl power movies coming out of Hollywood these days). It's like Hollywood wants to have their cake and eat it too. Any woman who can actually take on hordes of buff guys is FAR FAR FAR more likely to look like a Broom Hilda Russian deadlift gal than the petite sex-pot types they actually use in these girl power movies and games.

But nope! Broom-Hilda deadlift gal doesn't sell movie tickets or game titles - so we'll use the petite sexpot gal and just pretend she's as physically robust as the 260+ lbs Broom Hilda gal who can take out hordes of huge dudes like it's nothing. Yeah.. Riiiiight. At least when they make it a male toon who can take on these crazy odds ---> he's generally huge, muscle-bound, and looks the f***ing part <---

Go ahead and start with the down-voting now, this is my give-a-sh** face.
Mblackwell Mar 24, 2016
Do we know if they have Vidal Sassoon, er TressFX on this one?
The Mac version did not, however it would be a fun addition here particularly with having newer available GL versions.
rustybroomhandle Mar 24, 2016
Quoting: HalifaxGo ahead and start with the down-voting now, this is my give-a-sh** face.

Might I suggest a good proctologist to help with all that butthurt?
rune Mar 24, 2016
Quoting: MblackwellDo we know if they have Vidal Sassoon, er TressFX on this one?
The Mac version did not, however it would be a fun addition here particularly with having newer available GL versions.

There is a trailer on youtube:

View video on

Why it's called "Tomb Raider for Mac and Linux – Coming Soon trailer" doesn't really make sense, since there's already a Mac port.
*If* this is what it looks like on *both* Mac and Linux, then there's no TressFX support.

Last edited by rune on 24 March 2016 at 10:28 am UTC
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