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Interesting, Feral Interactive are teasing us all again with a new port coming with a new clue posted on their radar.

They sent out a fun tweet which started it off:

GAMERS: Hey Feral, you should bring another game to Mac and Linux!

The Feral Radar has been updated:

— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) April 6, 2016

And now here it is:

Could it be that they are teasing Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II which popped up on SteamDB with their name attached, or are they being more cunning and hinting at something else entirely? I think that would be too obvious. I haven't a clue, and I'm never very good at these radar hints.

Feral Interactive certainly are busy, as they only recently confirmed Tomb Raider is heading to Linux.

Whatever it is, it's in their "Very Soon" section.

I leave the comments open to you, as you're all great investigators.

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Perkeleen vittupäät. Stop teasing!
Keyrock Apr 6, 2016
Hmm, that's a hazelnut in the picture. Time to put the brain cells into action...
psymin Apr 6, 2016
Hazelnuts are also known as filberts or something right? Just pitching in some synonyms to help with the puzzle maybe.
fagnerln Apr 6, 2016
nuts + drifting snows = ICE AGE: Continental Drift

I didn't know that the series had games for PC :P jk

EDIT: Actually, this game exists. oO'

Last edited by fagnerln on 6 April 2016 at 7:25 pm UTC
Segata Sanshiro Apr 6, 2016
Quoting: KeyrockHmm, that's a hazelnut in the picture. Time to put the brain cells into action...

Simple, they're just branching out of gaming:

Segata Sanshiro Apr 6, 2016
In all seriousness though, a snow drift is an AVALANCHE. The hazelnut because you'd have to be nuts to believe it's FF7.
Xpander Apr 6, 2016
its Dirt Rally :D

you have to be nuts to drift in the snow
Keyrock Apr 6, 2016
Quoting: Segata SanshiroIn all seriousness though, a snow drift is an AVALANCHE.
The obvious answer then is Mad Max. Avalanche are the developers of Mad Max and nuts is a synonym for mad.

Please let this be true. Please let this be true. Please let this be true.
FredO Apr 6, 2016
Nuts remind me of Autumn, so that's the release date. Rise of the Tomb Raider has plenty of drifting snow... well we can dream anyway.
FredO Apr 6, 2016
Quoting: Keyrock
Quoting: Segata SanshiroIn all seriousness though, a snow drift is an AVALANCHE.
The obvious answer then is Mad Max. Avalanche are the developers of Mad Max and nuts is a synonym for mad.

Please let this be true. Please let this be true. Please let this be true.

This makes sense - good answer.
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