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Feral Interactive have officially announced their next Linux port and it's going to be 'HITMAN' [Steam]. Another awesome game for our platform. This is the complete first season too, so we get plenty of content.

They plan to release Hitman for Linux on Thursday 16th of February, so be sure mark your calendars.

This is amazing, as we get Civilization VI from Aspyr Media, Hitman and then DiRT Rally both from Feral Interactive in the space of about a month. All three games I'm incredibly excited to see on Linux, as all of them big franchises for us to have to keep moving forward.

I told you this year was going to be good, so don't doubt me eh!

I'm nearly out of hard-drive space, I'm actually going to have to buy an new hard drive just for games, on Linux, insanity.

David Stephen, Managing Director of Feral InteractiveHitman is a franchise that has defined the stealth genre, and this game is very much a return to the series’ roots. It’s been a long wait to get a Hitman title onto Linux, but I can’t think of a better way than this to introduce the series to Linux gamers.

Feral have confirmed it will be an OpenGL title, so no Vulkan at launch. Of course, it's entirely possible they may update it in future to use Vulkan.

It will cost £39.99/$59.99/€49.99 for the whole season, but episodes can be purchased individually.

About the game
Become the master assassin in an intense spy-thriller story across a world of assassination.
Travel the world from France, Italy & Morocco to Thailand, USA & Japan to take out powerful, high-profile targets.

- Complete freedom of approach in expansive freeform classic HITMAN levels
- 100+ hours of gameplay will challenge the creativity of all assassins
- Create your own hits and compete with other assassins in Contracts mode Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Grazen Feb 9, 2017
Quoting: throgh
Quoting: LeopardOhhh,c'mon.

Most of Drm Free lovers are just wants this because of playing the game not infected for free.You all want it because of clean pirating.

Here's another example by monologues.

Organizer:Hey,dudes.Check this game out,it's so sweet.We should buy it.

Other fellas:Yeah,but it's so expensive and we're on Linux so that means our torrenting options are almost zero,mate.

O:No,there is another way.We're 7 guys,let's split the amount of game to 7.Give me your cuts.I will buy it from GOG and give away copies to each of us.

Hahha,get rekt devs.Problem solved...

Oh yes, of course ... defaming people talking about criticism is always the best choice - not really, but worth a try as putting hands on the ears, mumbling to not listen. Because some people don't care about legal things, everyone talking about DRM is just another pirate. Really bad joke! :)

Most DRM these days is very inocouos, particularly on Steam which allows for games to be played multiple computers, operating systems plus family game sharing. Not perfect, but good enough. Buying the same game on GoG is less convenient for me.
Aryvandaar Feb 10, 2017
Quoting: Luke_Nukem
Quoting: Aryvandaar
Quoting: Luke_NukemI would trade this a thousand times over for a naive Doom 4 port, with Vulkan...


You can run DOOM in WINE almost perfectly with Vulkan enabled in steam launch options.

I know right. But that's not officially supported, not native, and means fucking around with wine running another Steam install..

1. Install steam on play on linux with latest wine staging.
2. Install vulkan on your linux system.
3. Install doom on steam in wine.
4. set launch option for doom "+r_renderAPI 1".

Quoting: aFoxNamedMorrisThe problem is that would require putting money toward the Windows version. That, in turn, damages the Linux gaming ecosystem, albeit in a small way. But a lot of smaller things add up to much bigger things.

I highly doubt that Bethesda will port their games to Linux any time soon, if at all.

The problem is that if I'm going to take a hard stance on Linux gaming I won't be able to play some of my favourite games. I have enough moral laws to add Linux gaming to that list. I will play whatever games I like and can on Linux, but if there is no Linux version I will just play the Windows version.

I already boycott a lot of publishers and developers because of their anti-consumer practices.
g000h Feb 10, 2017
While on that subject, I'm also quite particular about buying "games for Linux". Basically, in order for me to buy a game it has got to be good, something I like, and available on Linux. I break these conditions rarely. If the game is exceptional, only available on Windows, and vastly reduced in a sale, then I'll get it on Windows. Probably the most appealing couple of games to me are Witcher 3 and TES: Skyrim (well, Doom too,but... heh, I bought it already). Skyrim I bought as well but very reduced in a sale. Witcher 3 - holding out for very cheap or ported to Linux (instabuy).
Luke_Nukem Feb 10, 2017
Quoting: AryvandaarI highly doubt that Bethesda will port their games to Linux any time soon, if at all.

The problem is that if I'm going to take a hard stance on Linux gaming I won't be able to play some of my favourite games. I have enough moral laws to add Linux gaming to that list. I will play whatever games I like and can on Linux, but if there is no Linux version I will just play the Windows version.

I already boycott a lot of publishers and developers because of their anti-consumer practices.

I tend to agree. But then I get conflicted by my hardliners stance on "if it's not ported or supported on linux".. seriously though, what motivation does a publisher have if the game runs fine under wine? None, really. They'd expend x amount of effort for little/no gain - I suspect this is exactly what Bethesda thinks, and it sucks shit.

And then you get the twats that say "Yeah it works on Linux fine", we're all "Awesome! Where do we get it?" And then they come back with "You just need to install wine then install the Windows version"...

Fuck you, buddy.
Aryvandaar Feb 10, 2017
Quoting: Luke_NukemI tend to agree. But then I get conflicted by my hardliners stance on "if it's not ported or supported on linux".. seriously though, what motivation does a publisher have if the game runs fine under wine? None, really. They'd expend x amount of effort for little/no gain - I suspect this is exactly what Bethesda thinks, and it sucks shit.

Whitewolfe80 Feb 11, 2017
Quoting: Luke_NukemI would trade this a thousand times over for a naive Doom 4 port, with Vulkan...


Not likely though unless the whole board of Bethesda and ID get replaced in the next 24 hours.
skinnyraf Feb 12, 2017
I have been a fan of Bethesda games since, well, Daggerfall. Morrowind is for me the best cRPGs ever, even today. Dishonored, Skyrim, TESO, even Fallout 3.

But while I'd love to play DOOM or Dishonored 2 (or Witcher 3, though not from Bethesda), I don't feel like paying Bethesda (or CDProjekt) and then having to struggle to get them running with Wine. Between Feral and plethora of great indies I have more than enough to play. It's not like it's Nethack or Quake and little more.
Whitewolfe80 Feb 12, 2017
Quoting: skinnyrafI have been a fan of Bethesda games since, well, Daggerfall. Morrowind is for me the best cRPGs ever, even today. Dishonored, Skyrim, TESO, even Fallout 3.

But while I'd love to play DOOM or Dishonored 2 (or Witcher 3, though not from Bethesda), I don't feel like paying Bethesda (or CDProjekt) and then having to struggle to get them running with Wine. Between Feral and plethora of great indies I have more than enough to play. It's not like it's Nethack or Quake and little more.

I agree there are a bunch of games I would love to see on Linux but game support is not that bad Wine can make up for some games but its a balancing act either you go full Linux and take a chance on a port or wine or go to Windows and deal with all of that stuff.
14 Feb 12, 2017
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Man, I wasn't planning on getting this Hitman, but now I might.
linuxjacques Feb 16, 2017
It's showing linux support on steam now!

edit: oh and it's 50% off

edit 2: and I just bought it.

Last edited by linuxjacques on 16 February 2017 at 6:32 pm UTC
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