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Total War: SHOGUN 2 looks like it will be heading to Linux & SteamOS

By - | Views: 38,867
Well this was quite a surprise to see! It looks like Total War: SHOGUN 2 [Steam] is going to make an appearance on Linux & SteamOS.

Just now I saw this pop-up on SteamDB:
QuoteChanged Depots
203723/config/oslist: linux
203723/name: Linux Shogun 2 Data
203724/config/oslist: linux
203724/name: Linux Shogun 2 App
203725/config/oslist: linux
203725/name: Linux Shogun 2 FOTS Soundtrack
203726/config/oslist: linux
203726/name: Linux Shogun 2 FOTS
203727/config/language: english

Another highly rated strategy game that certainly looks like it will come to Linux. Of course, SteamDB isn't confirmation, but it's looking pretty likely. No idea when it will happen of course, but we will keep you updated if we hear anything.

Feral Interactive did the Mac version, so it's likely they are now bringing it over to Linux. I haven't personally heard anything from them on that though.

About the game
Total War: SHOGUN 2 features enhanced full 3D battles via land and sea, which made a name for the series, as well as the tactical campaign map that many refer to as the heart and soul of Total War. Featuring a brand new AI system inspired by the scriptures that influenced Japanese warfare, the millennia old Chinese “Art of War”, the Creative Assembly brings the wisdom of Master Sun Tsu to Total War: SHOGUN 2. Analysing this ancient text enabled the Creative Assembly to implement easy to understand yet deep strategical gameplay.

If it lands on Linux will you be picking up a copy? Or do you already own it and look forward to playing it on Linux? Let us know in the comments. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ellie_feral Feb 21, 2017
Quoting: ZlopezSame with the DOW 2, I played all of the single campaings in all DOW 2 games on Linux, but I'm unable to find any multiplayer game. There were problem to find a game even on Windows a year ago. Now on Linux it is almost impossible.
Every Tuesday at 1PM UK time, Sam (from Feral) and Liam (from, well, here) get their Dawn of War II on. You should join them if you have time. Liam streams it and everything.

Quoting: chepatiA question for Feral: would it make sense if you did a poll once in a while to gauge interest in games? Give us a multiple-choice option so we can vote on which game we'd like to have you port. I know you want to build up hype for a game before its release and keep the mystery surrounding your releases, but readers on GOL could arguably be considered a good sample of the linux gaming demographic. So testing the waters before going full on into a game port would be good for everyone.

If interest alone was enough, you'd all be playing Skyrim right now. We can't really do a poll, because all the options would have to be games we are prepped to bring to Linux. And if we're prepped to bring them to Linux, we might as well bring you the whole lot.

But you're certainly making a good point, and I can confirm that we stalk the heck out of the Linux gaming community to gauge interest all the time. Whether it's polls, comments, likes, or whatever else, when we see demand for a game we sit up and take notice.
Whitewolfe80 Feb 21, 2017
Quoting: Mountain ManI have Empire: Total War and Total Warhammer. That's more then enough Total War games for me at the moment, so I won't be getting Shogun.

Fair enough but it is the best one out of them all of them the units are balanced there are more options other than the limited options in warhammer or rome 2/attlia but i get what you mean I personally own all of them except Napoleon.
Schattenspiegel Feb 21, 2017
Guess I will have to reward the port by buying TWWarhammer if Feral does a Shogun 2 port. Already have later from from my Windows days, I fear.

Concerning interest: I would like to suggest looking into the IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad/Moscow/xxx series of games - well technically it's one game, I guess. Admittedly not that many potential players/buyers but it would be the only current game of it's kind on Linux and it has a lot of desirable dlc options and will probably get more (buyable) content for quite a while yet.
Zlopez Feb 22, 2017
  • Supporter Plus
Quoting: ellie_feralEvery Tuesday at 1PM UK time, Sam (from Feral) and Liam (from, well, here) get their Dawn of War II on. You should join them if you have time. Liam streams it and everything.

Unfortunatelly I'm in work at this time.
Whitewolfe80 Feb 22, 2017
Quoting: ellie_feral
Quoting: ZlopezSame with the DOW 2, I played all of the single campaings in all DOW 2 games on Linux, but I'm unable to find any multiplayer game. There were problem to find a game even on Windows a year ago. Now on Linux it is almost impossible.
Every Tuesday at 1PM UK time, Sam (from Feral) and Liam (from, well, here) get their Dawn of War II on. You should join them if you have time. Liam streams it and everything.

Quoting: chepatiA question for Feral: would it make sense if you did a poll once in a while to gauge interest in games? Give us a multiple-choice option so we can vote on which game we'd like to have you port. I know you want to build up hype for a game before its release and keep the mystery surrounding your releases, but readers on GOL could arguably be considered a good sample of the linux gaming demographic. So testing the waters before going full on into a game port would be good for everyone.

If interest alone was enough, you'd all be playing Skyrim right now. We can't really do a poll, because all the options would have to be games we are prepped to bring to Linux. And if we're prepped to bring them to Linux, we might as well bring you the whole lot.

But you're certainly making a good point, and I can confirm that we stalk the heck out of the Linux gaming community to gauge interest all the time. Whether it's polls, comments, likes, or whatever else, when we see demand for a game we sit up and take notice.

I understand that that you as a publisher say hey what game do you guys want us to go after and well get it. It nice to know you guys look at linux gaming community to see which is most talked about. I also realise it is am sure not straight forward to just approach a publisher and say we want port x game to linux.
etonbears Feb 22, 2017
Quoting: Whitewolfe80
Quoting: Mountain ManI have Empire: Total War and Total Warhammer. That's more then enough Total War games for me at the moment, so I won't be getting Shogun.

Fair enough but it is the best one out of them all of them the units are balanced there are more options other than the limited options in warhammer or rome 2/attlia but i get what you mean I personally own all of them except Napoleon.

Shogun II was the first TW game after I stopped buying Windows games, and so , the first one I did not buy. As I also bought Rome II/Attila to support the CA Linux pledge, this is the only TW game In the back catalog I don't have, so I will certainly buy it.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I'll ever get TW Warhammer. I never really liked the Warhammer/WH 40,000 universes, as they always seemed limited and visually unappealing to my senses. But I guess CA have run out of popular historical periods without a recent game :-)
etonbears Feb 22, 2017
Quoting: SchattenspiegelGuess I will have to reward the port by buying TWWarhammer if Feral does a Shogun 2 port. Already have later from from my Windows days, I fear.

Concerning interest: I would like to suggest looking into the IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad/Moscow/xxx series of games - well technically it's one game, I guess. Admittedly not that many potential players/buyers but it would be the only current game of it's kind on Linux and it has a lot of desirable dlc options and will probably get more (buyable) content for quite a while yet.

Seconded. I enjoyed the first 4 IL2 games, but didn't get the Cliffs of Dover/Battle for Staligrad because I stopped buying Windows games. I would certainly buy Linux versions.
Whitewolfe80 Feb 22, 2017
Quoting: etonbears
Quoting: Whitewolfe80
Quoting: Mountain ManI have Empire: Total War and Total Warhammer. That's more then enough Total War games for me at the moment, so I won't be getting Shogun.

Fair enough but it is the best one out of them all of them the units are balanced there are more options other than the limited options in warhammer or rome 2/attlia but i get what you mean I personally own all of them except Napoleon.

Shogun II was the first TW game after I stopped buying Windows games, and so , the first one I did not buy. As I also bought Rome II/Attila to support the CA Linux pledge, this is the only TW game In the back catalog I don't have, so I will certainly buy it.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I'll ever get TW Warhammer. I never really liked the Warhammer/WH 40,000 universes, as they always seemed limited and visually unappealing to my senses. But I guess CA have run out of popular historical periods without a recent game :-)

The Warhammer game is good however it is another Ca game that practically requires spending 40 pounds/dollars to get the game to have all the factions and maps.(Also there are still two full factions that are not playable)
Vuko2000 Feb 22, 2017
Damm got it but dont play becouse dont have Windows it is the best Total War ever.
salamanderrake Feb 22, 2017
Yay, something I actually own.
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