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Blazing Chrome, a classic co-op run ‘n gun plans Linux support

By - | Views: 10,225
Blazing Chrome is a new co-op run ‘n gun being developed by JoySmasher [Official Site] and they are planning a Linux version.

Check out their teaser trailer:
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Looks like it would have felt right at home on the Amiga, look at those slick retro visuals!

I thought it looked pretty good, so I shot off an email about their Linux plans and they said this:
QuoteWe are making in Game Maker Studio 2, so all platforms it will support exports. For now, Windows, Mac and Linux exporters are planned.

About the game
Blazing Chrome is a classic co-op run ‘n gun with an original arcade feel. Players can choose between Mavra, the badass human resistance, soldier or Doyle, the groovy rebel robot, to kick some metal ass.

We were mostly inspired by Contra and Metal Slug, but we added our own twist to them. Article taken from
Tags: Action, Upcoming
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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tuubi Mar 30, 2017
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Quoting: kokoko3kIt's not because...
Quoting: Luke_Nukem"Game developers expend huge amounts of time and energy to bring us games!"
...that i'm supposed to understand:
Quoting: kokoko3k"why one should buy one of that games, when he can play tons of similar abandonware."
Really, should i?
You never buy games that are similar in style to ones you've played and liked before?
kokoko3k Mar 30, 2017
Of course, but there are so many games "similar in style" that doesn't cost anything that i didn't play yet.

...Let's assume that anybody who is buying one of those "retro-mimic" games has already played the free ones and stop this.

Last edited by kokoko3k on 30 March 2017 at 10:04 am UTC
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