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'The Linux Gamer' has officially launched 'The Linux Game Jam 2017' which starts in a few days time! Will you be joining in?

For those that don't know, a 'game jam' is where you crank out a quick game in a short period of time for fun and sometimes for a prize.

Check out the announcement video:
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It starts Thursday 16th March and it will end on March 20th.

- Your game's art assets and programming should be made within said time frame.
- Your game must be submitted to the itch.io page.
- Your game must have a Linux build.
- Your game can use Godot, Unity, Love2d, any others, or your own custom built engine.
- You get exactly one bonus point if your game is open source.*
*Bonus points are meaningless.

Will be interesting to see what gets made in that time, as it's not a lot of time to prepare. I will likely do an overview of the games made during it once it's all over. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Samsai Mar 12, 2017
I've signed up and will probably try to come up with something, even though I'm absolutely hopeless at anything graphical. Should be able to put together something arcade-y in Godot though.
veccher Mar 12, 2017
as someone that is trying to work in games, i think i should participate of more game jams, never did it before, looks cool, but i wouldn't be able to produce enough assets in time, and if we aren't allowed to use even the starter content from the engines it would be really hard if i take in count my skills with making models and materials, plus it would take me something near an entire day to upload my project.
Liam Dawe Mar 12, 2017
Quoting: GuestI think that "Your game must be submitted to this page." should be edited to clarify "this page" is the itch.io page for the jam and not the comments here.

Besides that… cool.
Ah yes, good catch.
bubexel Mar 12, 2017
the "programming" should be in the period of time is really relative, since unity and others have all rendering, physics and etc done. If im code a game using code i have made by my self for other game it wont fit in the rules?
WorMzy Mar 12, 2017
I very much enjoyed the one GoL did previously, I'll be keeping a close eye on this!

I wouldn't even know where to begin coding a game, so I won't be participating, but best of luck to all those who do.
AlveKatt Mar 12, 2017
Can you team up with people?
drmoth Mar 12, 2017
Quoting: veccheras someone that is trying to work in games, i think i should participate of more game jams, never did it before, looks cool, but i wouldn't be able to produce enough assets in time, and if we aren't allowed to use even the starter content from the engines it would be really hard if i take in count my skills with making models and materials, plus it would take me something near an entire day to upload my project.

I think you can totally make a valid game by re-using content. As long as it's a good one!
Philadelphus Mar 12, 2017
Man, and I start my new job on the 16th, so no time to participate. :(

This sounds pretty cool and I'd be interested in dusting off my rusty coding skills, but maybe a few more days' notice before the next one? ;)
HadBabits Mar 13, 2017
Cool stuff :) Though it starts the day after my birthday, before I go back to work, and ends the last day of my work week, so I'll probably sit this one out :P
razing32 Mar 15, 2017
Quoting: SamsaiI've signed up and will probably try to come up with something, even though I'm absolutely hopeless at anything graphical. Should be able to put together something arcade-y in Godot though.

Will you put up some tutorials when you are done ?

Curios to learn some Godot :)
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