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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III releasing for Linux on June 8th

By - | Views: 38,774

Feral Interactive have announced now that Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III [Steam] is coming to Linux on June 8th!

Death comes for all: On June 8th, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III arrives on macOS and Linux.
Visit the minisite: https://t.co/sTTFZXQZla pic.twitter.com/PWJXOwebSw

— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) May 19, 2017

You can visit the minisite here (the correct link), but their site seems to be having a few issues. The link in the tweet doesn't work and the minisite claims it's "out now".

Sadly, it seems multiplayer is only macOS and Linux, with no support with playing with Windows gamers, which means the multiplayer will again be limited. Even so, I'm still excited and will likely resume my weekly livestreams with someone from Feral like I did with Dawn of War II. Even if Feral won't do weekly games for it, I likely will arrange something to get the community going for it. If you're interested.

Dawn of War III will be available through the Feral Store and Steam for $59.99/£39.99/59,99€. It seems there will be no release-day sale for the Linux version.

David Stephen, Managing Director, Feral InteractiveWe’re delighted to bring such a hugely anticipated game to macOS and Linux. Dawn of War III’s epic single-player campaign and visceral multiplayer combine to deliver an exhilarating experience on a vast scale.

They have a trailer up now too:

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Kohrias May 19, 2017
Great! Can't wait. Will buy it day 1 from the Feral store.
MintedGamer May 19, 2017
Quoting: KohriasGreat! Can't wait. Will buy it day 1 from the Feral store.

Same here, I've been hoping this game would come to Linux since it was announced. I'm so happy right now :) Hopefully multiplayer support for Windows will be added later, but it's still a day one buy for me.
Kuduzkehpan May 19, 2017
Feral start working on VULKAN and create a vulkan wrapper or something which will help you for further porting jobs.
So we could get more games more faster.
and also cross-platform multiplayer is a must for this kind of games.

Last edited by Kuduzkehpan on 19 May 2017 at 12:40 pm UTC
cRaZy-bisCuiT May 19, 2017
Even though this is a new engine no cross platform multiplayer? Are you joking Feral? Hold of buying their multilayer games until that attitude is fixed!!!

Don't split the community again and again and again Feral! That really sucks! Sorry!

@Feral Interactive: Will the multiplayer being fixed this time any time soon?

Last edited by cRaZy-bisCuiT on 19 May 2017 at 12:43 pm UTC
rustybroomhandle May 19, 2017
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTEven though this is a new engine no cross platform multiplayer? Are you joking Feral? Hold of buying their multilayer games until that attitude is fixed!!!

It's not "attitude", there are legitimate reasons for it. Maybe you should fix your attitude.

You are correct that it is a turn-off for a lot of people, though. Myself, I'm generally not too into multiplayer anything, and would love to see bigger focus on games with strong single player or single player only.

Last edited by rustybroomhandle on 19 May 2017 at 12:56 pm UTC
MintedGamer May 19, 2017
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTEven though this is a new engine no cross platform multiplayer? Are you joking Feral? Hold of buying their multilayer games until that attitude is fixed!!!

Don't split the community again and again and again Feral! That really sucks! Sorry!

@Feral Interactive: Will the multiplayer being fixed this time any time soon?

There are technical challenges with cross-platform multiplayer its certainly not a case of 'attitude'. For multiplayer to work across platforms and engines the game has to work the same way and at the same time, running different code on different platforms is a challenge for multiplayer.
gojul May 19, 2017
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTEven though this is a new engine no cross platform multiplayer? Are you joking Feral? Hold of buying their multilayer games until that attitude is fixed!!!

I'd not be surprised it's the same reason as CoH2, for which they could not enable cross-platform multiplayer because of differences on floating point computation between the different platforms, which caused disconnections.
razing32 May 19, 2017
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTEven though this is a new engine no cross platform multiplayer? Are you joking Feral? Hold of buying their multilayer games until that attitude is fixed!!!

Don't split the community again and again and again Feral! That really sucks! Sorry!

@Feral Interactive: Will the multiplayer being fixed this time any time soon?

They already explained it in previous posts.
Different Os-es calculate things differently and the deterministic game engine would throw a "out of sync" immediately.

If the new engine is the same as the old one there is NOTHING Feral can do. It is relic and the engine's fault.
They can give you multi , you will connect and get immediately dropped. Do you want that ?
cRaZy-bisCuiT May 19, 2017
Guys, obviously I know there're technically reasons for that. Still it's an attitude since the job of a developer is to solve problems. You got a problem that you need to solve by implementing it in code. I'm a dev myself and I know a few issues can be massive, but better have no port at all than a only partly functioning one.

I don't want to be separated from my friends regarding mjmtollaEr by devs because they decide cross platform multiplayer is not doable. Even though I prefer Linux at any time I don't want to force anyone to use a specific OS to play with me.

Last edited by cRaZy-bisCuiT on 19 May 2017 at 1:26 pm UTC
Leopard May 19, 2017
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTGuys, obviously I know there're technically reasons for that. Still it's an attitude since the job of a developer is to solve problems. You got a problem that you need to solve by implementing it in code. I'm a dev myself and I know a few issues can be massive, but better have no port at all than a only partly functioning one.

I don't want to be separated from my friends regarding mjmtollaEr by devs because they decide cross platform multiplayer is not doable. Even though I prefer Linux at any time I don't want to force anyone to use a specific OS to play with me.

About your bitching ; you're right but that attitude is a bit wrong.

And also with this game , it is more than right. Since this game is focusing on multiplayer.

But you said that also;
QuoteI don't want to be separated from my friends regarding mjmtollaEr by devs because they decide cross platform multiplayer is not doable. Even though I prefer Linux at any time I don't want to force anyone to use a specific OS to play with me.

Man ; you are using Windows too. What the heck is that , what is the point of that?

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