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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III releasing for Linux on June 8th

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Feral Interactive have announced now that Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III [Steam] is coming to Linux on June 8th!

Death comes for all: On June 8th, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III arrives on macOS and Linux.
Visit the minisite:

— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) May 19, 2017

You can visit the minisite here (the correct link), but their site seems to be having a few issues. The link in the tweet doesn't work and the minisite claims it's "out now".

Sadly, it seems multiplayer is only macOS and Linux, with no support with playing with Windows gamers, which means the multiplayer will again be limited. Even so, I'm still excited and will likely resume my weekly livestreams with someone from Feral like I did with Dawn of War II. Even if Feral won't do weekly games for it, I likely will arrange something to get the community going for it. If you're interested.

Dawn of War III will be available through the Feral Store and Steam for $59.99/£39.99/59,99€. It seems there will be no release-day sale for the Linux version.

David Stephen, Managing Director, Feral InteractiveWe’re delighted to bring such a hugely anticipated game to macOS and Linux. Dawn of War III’s epic single-player campaign and visceral multiplayer combine to deliver an exhilarating experience on a vast scale.

They have a trailer up now too:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Ehvis May 22, 2017
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Oh yeah, you're right about the pound price. I read it as 50 because I expected it to be. Then it is quite a bit cheaper in pounds than it is in euros.
Redface May 22, 2017
Quoting: N30NFor more information, check out the FAQ we posted on
well at least the multiplayer situation is mentioned there, and also "Dawn of War III’s multiplayer is cross-platform between Mac and Linux, but not with Windows. We hope to revisit cross-platform multiplayer, and implement that in a future update."
Joeyboots80 May 23, 2017
Quoting: razing32
Quoting: Joeyboots80Has anyone seen my spare pair of underwear?

You're a penguin. You don't wear any :-p
Lol nice.
Dudesowin May 26, 2017
With a 4 faction system this looks more like Warcraft III. I hope they have plans to eventually add in Necrons and Tau.
razing32 May 26, 2017
Quoting: DudesowinWith a 4 faction system this looks more like Warcraft III. I hope they have plans to eventually add in Necrons and Tau.

I hope they add the Sisters of Battle in as well. I only got to play them in Soulstorm
Naib May 29, 2017
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Quoting: razing32
Quoting: DudesowinWith a 4 faction system this looks more like Warcraft III. I hope they have plans to eventually add in Necrons and Tau.

I hope they add the Sisters of Battle in as well. I only got to play them in Soulstorm
IG for me :) but I am a huge IG fan (from tabletops) and DoW1 WinterAssult was <3

the IG make an appearance in DoW3 single-player so I would not be surprised if the next expansion contains them. Nec would be great but I have bad memories from DoW1 DarkCrusade... the Nec were beyond imba (Tau were fun tho).

Right now DoW3 looks dead :( The steam discussion group is filled will trolls denouncing the game but in part they are sort of right. [H] are also dismissive of this game

What would be good is an 8th release & a new expansion announced.
razing32 May 30, 2017
Quoting: Naib
Quoting: razing32
Quoting: DudesowinWith a 4 faction system this looks more like Warcraft III. I hope they have plans to eventually add in Necrons and Tau.

I hope they add the Sisters of Battle in as well. I only got to play them in Soulstorm
IG for me :) but I am a huge IG fan (from tabletops) and DoW1 WinterAssult was <3

the IG make an appearance in DoW3 single-player so I would not be surprised if the next expansion contains them. Nec would be great but I have bad memories from DoW1 DarkCrusade... the Nec were beyond imba (Tau were fun tho).

Right now DoW3 looks dead :( The steam discussion group is filled will trolls denouncing the game but in part they are sort of right. [H] are also dismissive of this game

What would be good is an 8th release & a new expansion announced.

Don;t let the negative reviews get you down.
Wait till someone on this site gets it and streams it (1 week or less i suspect)
The IG were in DoW 2 and 1. Safe bet they will be in Dow 3 also. OR someone mods them in :-p
(Although knowing the gaming community a nudity mod will come first)

And indeed the Necrons were a royal pain in the @$$

Last edited by razing32 on 30 May 2017 at 7:47 am UTC
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