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I was excited about RUINER [Official Site], as I'm sure many of you were also. It was originally announced the Linux support and now it's just strange.

In their original announcement, that's still up unedited, it clearly says it's coming to Linux:

After more than a year of quietly making RUINER, we're ready to share a big announcement - Reikon Games is joining forces with Devolver Digital to bring RUINER to the world on PC, Mac, and Linux!

Then in August they said it was delayed:

due to some technical issues we need to delay the Linux version of RUINER. So we are sorry to confirm that no day one release for Linux/Steam OS :(.

Sorry for that,

I reached out on Twitter yesterday, since both the developer and publisher had previously ignored all my messages elsewhere. They actually replied this time, but it wasn't good news:

Unfortunately, we do not plan Linux port anytime soon.

— RUINER (@ruinergame) September 14, 2017

I initially thought it was a PR response by someone who didn't really know what was going on. Now, it's even more unclear. I did follow that up, asking for more information since it was originally a confirmed platform. They didn't reply, in all fairness it's not a lot of time since I replied again, but keep reading.

Now we land on the latest post today on Steam, where they're now asking for posts in support of a Linux version:


Could you do as a favor? If you are interested in the Linux port of Ruiner, write +1 under this comment.


So if you do want to see it on Linux, comment on that post (not here!).

Issues come up sure, but this is just silly now.

Thanks for the tip on the last bit, bingus!

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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melkemind Sep 15, 2017
Quoting: Linas
Quoting: ShmerlThis sounds unprofessional to me.
No, not really. Deadline is nearing, and as always there are lots of things to be done, and managers are starting to look for things to cut to meet the deadline. Does not necessarily mean that Linux is canceled, but that it has been reduced in priority in favor of some contractual obligations they need to meet.

It's no insider knowledge or anything, just my experience with how software projects tend to work.

I'm not so sure the two are mutually exclusive. The fact that software development tends to work like that does not negate the fact that it's unprofessional to promise a product and then not deliver it as promised. In other industries, that wouldn't be acceptable, and customers would switch to the competition.
Luke_Nukem Sep 15, 2017
Quoting: ShmerlAdded GOG wishlist, for those who don't have a Steam account:

Maybe Liam can add a link to that in the article?
Nanobang Sep 16, 2017
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Done. I was post #260 on the thread, so there's that. Now I'm gonna forget all about Ruiner till: [a] It is released on Linux, or---well, that's it really.
Kuduzkehpan Sep 17, 2017
They maybe have to fire some devs. and got lesser on man-power. so they are trying to avoid promised linux build. but then they decided to check estimated market share of their game in Linux.
they are free to do what ever they want. +1'Ed on forum tbh. but "no tux no bucks is confirmed."

Last edited by Kuduzkehpan on 17 September 2017 at 8:30 am UTC
pete910 Sep 17, 2017
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Quoting: JudasIscariot
Quoting: Corben
Quoting: Shmerl
Quoting: CorbenWhich other game wanted to have a +1 thread for Linux recently, to see the demand? How did that turn out?
Other Side Entertaintment studio (developers of Underworld Ascendant) made a poll on their own site, but before making any promises. And after feedback, they included Linux in their crowdfunding goals. Recently, Oxide Games made one for Ashes of Singularity.

Yep, I was referring to Ashes of Singularity. Their thread has now 61 pages :O. Was it enough?

At least it now has Vulkan support which should, in theory, allow the game to be ran via Wine Staging since that has Vulkan support now :)

@liamdawe , can you poke them guys regards ashes ?

Last edited by pete910 on 17 September 2017 at 10:09 am UTC
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